Log baths do it yourself (photo)

What could be better than a Russian bath? The answer is obvious, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that more and more people want to build a Russian bathhouse on their site. Despite the fact that the log bath is not very large, it is not as easy to build it yourself as it may seem at first glance. However, nothing is impossible, if you try, then everything will work out.

Log baths do it yourself (photo)

A log bath retains heat well, and it is free and easy to breathe in its environmentally clean room.

Why are baths made of logs considered the best? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Walls made of wood retain heat perfectly.
  2. In such a bath, it is very easy to breathe the unique air that gives a stunning smell of wood.
  3. Wood is an environmentally friendly material.
  4. A sauna with its own hands, made from a log house, is notable for its unique comfort.

For the construction of the bath it is necessary to use the following tools:

  1. Ax.
  2. The hammer.
  3. Pliers.
  4. Construction level.
  5. Chisel.
  6. Spatula.
  7. Nails.

How is a log bath felling?

Log baths do it yourself (photo)

Types of cutting "into the bowl" and "into the paw"

First of all, it is necessary to carry out logging. For the construction of a good log bath, it is necessary to use only hardwood and coniferous forests. If we talk about conifers, they are smooth and have an internal structure, airtightness is also not in doubt. Such logs perform poorly heat, so there is no doubt that in such a bath will always be warm. It is best to use environmentally friendly wood (spruce or pine). The trunks of such trees are different in length and evenness, so you can chop large log houses, you should not use runaway logs.

For building a good bath it is important to choose high-quality logs.

Log baths do it yourself (photo)

Suitable diameters of the logs for the bath

Pay attention to the diameter of the log, its run should not exceed 3 cm. Thus, the protective layer of wood is perfectly preserved. When calculating the thickness of the walls of the Russian log bath, it is very important to pay attention to the fact that the protective layer of wood is preserved. Climate conditions and indoor temperatures also play a significant role. When choosing wood, you need to be careful: if it is touched by a fungus, then you should not stop your choice on it. Logs do not necessarily pre-withstand, as they dry out very well when logging. It should be borne in mind that after the log dries, its length decreases by about 0.1%.

It is very important to properly handle the log, it should be planed with an ax, and then plastered. We must remember that you can remove no more than 1% of the protective layer. After that, you need to mark up the vertical logs on both sides.

In the corners of the walls of the log, you need to bind using one of three types of connections. An angle cut can be used or an option where the ends of the logs do not extend beyond the walls. Another option involves a spike on the end of one log, which should fit tightly into the groove of the second.

Features of the size of the bath

Log baths do it yourself (photo)

The size of the bath inside for one, two and three people.

The size of the bath can be very different, the standard bath is designed for 3-4 adults, then its size should be 3x6 or 4x6 m. Usually, the bath consists of a steam room, dressing room, which is also used as a room for recreation, and as a washing room.

When building a bath with their own hands, partitions and walls are mostly made of 100x150 mm bar, using logs with a diameter of 18-22 cm. As for the partitions for a bath, they can be frame, and timbered.

It is recommended to sheathe the walls of the steam room with clapboard when building a bath (it is best to use linden or aspen clapboard). But as for coniferous trees, they should not be used for covering the walls of the steam room, since they emit a large amount of resin at high temperature.

If a family bath is being built, then you need to make, in addition to a steam room, a shower room, a bathroom, a rest room (it is usually done with a fireplace). It will be just fine if you attach an open veranda. It should be borne in mind that after the laying of logs is completed, the log house must be propelled without fail. Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that when a log house is built, it is necessary to follow its geometry with great care in order to prevent distortions. If during construction there will be distortions, then this can lead to the most negative consequences. The crown of the bath is recommended to connect with spikes, this is done for strength, they are put every meter and a half.

In order for the bath to be truly high-quality, only the best building materials must be used. This is not a place where you can save money; here you have to do everything with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. And all this can be done without much difficulty, therefore, more and more people are building log bathhouses.

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  • Log baths do it yourself (photo)

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