How to process lags under the floor: recommendations

Arrangement of the floor is quite troublesome. It is necessary to provide a lot of nuances, without which the design will become unreliable. One of the most crucial parts of the floor are lags. These are structural elements that make it rigid and rigid. These are bars that are stacked in the direction perpendicular to the arrangement of the boards. They are subject to increased measures in terms of security.

How to process lags under the floor: recommendations

Scheme of flooring on the logs.

Lags are structural elements that are not directly affected by various aggressive natural factors.

It is about rain, wind and snow. Dampness does not affect them only when they are laid directly on the foundation of the house. Usually direct contact with the environment is not observed.

When arranging the floor, lags are most often closed from all contact with the external environment. Here you can talk about waterproofing and vapor barrier. However, this does not mean that they do not need to be protected from external factors. Wood is a material that is affected by rot and mildew. Microorganisms develop on it with great speed.

At the slightest non-compliance with the technology of laying the lag, they begin to rot. That is why the floor is lagged with various substances that protect them from rot and fungus. This measure is a necessity, it should not be forgotten in the process of construction arrangement. How to process lags under the floor - the question is quite serious.

Features of wooden structures

How to process lags under the floor: recommendations

Any treatment of wood, including lag, should be carried out in a protective mask, because the sprayed substance can be toxic at the time of putting it on the tree.

So, any tree is a material that is quite easily rotting. There is no moisture from the external environment under the floor, but this does not mean that it is not there at all. In any case, condensate will accumulate. This is due to the temperature difference between the room and the basement. There are often very tangible differences.

That is why the treatment of the lag under the floor is simply necessary. In addition, various insects can be wound up, destroying the wooden floors of the house. This is also unacceptable. They should be fought no less than water.

A single recommendation on how to process lags under the floor will not be given by any specialist. Much depends on what kind of wood was used in the process of installation of floors. Water affects every tree differently. In each house, a special microclimate is created in the ceilings, which depends on many parameters.

The same soil and humidity is not everywhere present. It is necessary to approach the solution of the issue in a complex and without haste. However, there are several general recommendations that are sure to help answer the question of how to process lags under the floor.

Handling from rotting: nuances

This is perhaps the main type of processing of any wooden structures. Without it, any house quickly fails. This also applies to floors. Today the market offers a variety of tools to deal with this kind of problem.

How to process lags under the floor: recommendations

The drug "Senezh" is used to protect wood in various conditions, in addition, it has antiseptic and fire-resistant properties.

According to numerous customer reviews, Senezh is the most effective method of dealing with rot. However, this is not a universal remedy. It is individually developed for each type of wood.

When choosing this fact, it is necessary to pay attention. Depending on the composition and price varies. The method of use is not the same for all substances of this group. Today, for the lag the best option is the tool "Senezh Ognebio". This protective material is easy to apply and is not too expensive.

"Senezh Ognebio" is not only used as a biological defender of the lag, it is able to prevent a fire in a wooden house. With it, you can handle almost all areas of wooden structures. There are no exceptions. It is used for coating log structures and for agricultural purposes. Protects from fire for up to 3 years. If you use the professional version of an antiseptic, then this period is extended to 5 years.

As regards biological protection, here we can talk about a period of 20 years. This is quite a long period. When applying this composition on the logs, it is unacceptable that they are pre-treated with other film and paintwork materials.

Applying Senezh Ognebio is fairly easy. The instructions on the packaging will tell how this is done. After the composition is applied on the logs, they slightly change their shade. The elements processed by this material become reddish.This antiseptic is considered one of the most effective on the market today, but there are other options for protecting wood from rot. The antiseptics "Senezh" have about 10 varieties.

Many experts advise treating logs under the floor with hot transformer oil.

How to process lags under the floor: recommendations

The resin, which is applied hot with a brush, helps a great deal against insects.

This tool is also effective due to the fact that the substance penetrates into the wood. Moreover, it penetrates deeply enough, in some cases by several centimeters. Transformer oil embalms wood, making its properties slightly different than they were originally.

Some use used engine oil for this purpose. Experts do not recommend this, and the reason is quite simple. Engine oil leaves behind a steady unpleasant smell. Lags in the house, treated with it, for many years will smell bad, which will create discomfort in the room.

Additional points

How to process lags under the floor: recommendations

Thanks to the antiseptic, wood is protected from insects, rot, fungi, and so on for up to 35 years.

There is another option for the treatment of rot, which is to use creosote. With it, processed railway sleepers. The application process also produces an unpleasant odor, which is very difficult to get rid of. Indoor discomfort guaranteed.

The modern market offers many solutions to this problem. Treat lags under the floor with a variety of antiseptics, it is not necessary that it will be "Senezh". When choosing you need to take into account that not all trees are the same in their properties and structure. Antiseptic is selected depending on the specific version used in the construction of the house and the log.

Protection against insects: recommendations

How to process lags under the floor: recommendations

To combat insects, wooden lags should be treated with an anti-insect septic tank, which should provide reliable protection against insects for long periods. years

Many residents of wooden houses experience discomfort with the presence of insects in them. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that you definitely need to fight. At the location of the lag is warm and comfortable, so the insects often settle here. This can lead to the fact that after a few years the floor will become unusable and will have to be changed.

To prevent this from happening, floor logs should be treated with protective compounds. Resin is considered the most effective and proven agent. It must be prepared to be able to put it. To do this, the resin is heated in a metal container.

When it softens completely, you can begin to cover the lags with it. This is done simply with the help of an ordinary paint brush. After the procedure, no insect can get into the tree structure. The resin creates a sufficiently strong protective layer, which over time practically does not collapse.

Insect control chemicals are also presented on the current market. However, when choosing one, it is always necessary to take into account that at home it is necessary to use only safe ingredients. They help protect the wood and protect the human body from harmful fumes. Therefore, when buying such a tool, you must read its composition. It should not be harmful to the body components.

Thus, at present there are several basic types of wooden lagwork. All these measures are aimed at solving the problems associated with the appearance of insects and protection from microorganisms that cause decay. Both measures are a must. If the lags are not processed after installation, then it is likely that they will become unusable within the next 5 years. This will lead to repair, which will require significant costs.

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