How to insert a drill into the drill and punch

Often there may be difficulties and problems in working with a hammer drill or a drill. Mainly, the problem may lie in the inability to properly work with drills. To begin, consider some of the differences between chucks and drills.


How to insert a drill into the drill and punch Varieties of cartridges

The drills are divided into those used by:

  • wood,
  • metal,
  • glass,
  • plastic,
  • tile,
  • concrete.

How to insert a drill into the drill and punch Types of drills

The drills can be:

  • Spiral. They are versatile and are used for drilling a variety of materials.
  • Crown. If depth adjustment is needed, this drill is used, which can make the hole larger.
  • Perovs. These drills make holes in wooden products.
  • Stepwise. They are used for drilling in ondulin, iron and metal tile.
  • Milling.
  • Rosy and so on.

Also, the drills also differ in their tip. They are specially made for hammer and conventional drills, and in shape resemble a cylinder.

As for the cartridges themselves, there are also differences. For example, some are used for impact drills, and others for conventional drills or perforators. In each case, the drill can be fixed in different ways.

You can find cartridges in which it is possible to insert drills for both the punch and the drill. But for security reasons, this is best not to do. The principles of the punch and drill are very different from each other.

How to insert a drill into the drill and punch Cam chuck for drill

The chucks, in turn, can also be of two types:

  • quick-locking,
  • key.

The key chuck requires a special key to install the drill. The cartridge is clamped with a key that is inserted into its hole and rotates clockwise. So, the drill is securely fastened. As for the quick-clamping, it is divided into two types: one-ftovy and dvuhmuftovy.

The cartridge replacement technique is presented in the video footage:

The dual-coupling cartridge has two couplings, one of which is clamped, the other is turning with the other hand. If we talk about single-shot cartridges, the cartridge is clamped with one hand. Replacing drills in such a chuck is much faster than the key one. But as for fixing the drill, it holds much weaker with this option.

How to insert a drill into the drill and punch Chuck device

The fastening of the drill is always carried out vertically, otherwise there is a risk of breaking not only drill bit, but the tool itself.

So, how to insert the drill into the punch or drill correctly?

How to insert the drill

How to insert a drill into the drill and punch Lubricant for drill

For this process to go smoothly, it is important to follow some consistent steps:

  1. Before you install the drill in the drill, make sure that the drill is unplugged.
  2. Then insert the drill into the chuck. To do this, you first need to make sure that the drill used is intended for a specific tool.
  3. To reduce chuck wear on the punch, the drill bit can be lubricated with special grease. You can put it in the hole of the cartridge.
  4. Next, fasten the drill.
  5. After installing the drill in the chuck, it is important to make sure that it does not falter.

During the drilling process, do not touch the rotating elements of the drill or perforator. As can be seen, the installation of the drill is not a particular problem.

It all depends on the cartridge you use. But what if after work it is impossible to remove the drill from the chuck?

What should I do if the drill is stuck

How to insert a drill into the drill and punch The drill is stuck

Usually removing a drill from a chuck is not particularly problematic. For example, in a key cartridge, it is enough to turn the key counterclockwise. In the quick-release chuck, all actions are also simple. For this, the clutch rotates counterclockwise. By this principle, drills are pulled out of other types of cartridges. But what if the drill is firmly set in the chuck? Most often, this problem may occur with fast-locking chucks. To extract the drill will take great effort.

For example, you can hold the drill in your left hand and casually hit the bottom of the chuck with the inside of your palm. Usually, after such actions, the drill is easily removed.

If the cartridge is metal, then you can also lightly tap the cartridge with a hammer. Tapping is necessary until the tail appears from the cartridge. If this does not work, then you can use the gas key.

If no manipulations help you, you will have to remove the cartridge from the drill / puncher and disassemble it.

There are other cases where the drill gets stuck in the wall. In this case, the drill is scrolled in the chuck. To remove it, you will need to unhitch the cartridge and remove the drill from the wall.

So, as we have reviewed with you all possible situations that may arise in working with a drill and a drill when changing the drill.


See how to properly insert a drill into a drill:


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