Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo

Living in a city apartment has certain features, one of which is the lack of useful space inside the room. Its expansion is possible due to the accession of the balcony. However, this is not always possible, since often this part of the apartment is an open space. In this article we will talk about how to make a glazed balcony, consider the options for glazing with aluminum profile, as well as wooden frames, give step-by-step instructions, photos and video materials.

General work moments

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Measurements

First of all, it is worth noting that Before making a decision about independent work, you need to take into account a number of factors.

  • Immediately you need to assess your skill level. Since the glazing of a balcony is associated with considerable risks and also requires a sufficient level of preparation, not everyone will be able to cope with them. If there is no full confidence in the successful implementation of the task, it is better to entrust the work to a specialist.
  • Before glazing a loggia, it is necessary to conduct a series of measurements. If the work itself can be carried out independently, then a specialized company will still be engaged in the manufacture of frames and frames, which will require detailed information about the dimensions of the room.
  • Glazing is not always possible, as old balconies, for example, in the Khrushchev seldom meet the requirements necessary for the work. In particular, the parapet may be located with some protrusion relative to the main plane or the pillar may lose rigidity, which will affect the strength of the structure.

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Such a balcony will not withstand construction

Options for glazing

Important note that there are several separate implementation options.

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Cold glazing

So distinguish:

  • Cold glazing. In this case, thin single-layer frames are used, and the balcony can be fully used only in the warm season. Such glazing will protect from dust, wind and to some extent noise, but thermal insulation of the room in this case will be minimal. In winter, such a balcony can only be used as a storage room.
  • Warm glazing. Here we are talking about the use of full frames with double or more glass. In this case, the balcony turns into a full room, which can be used as you like. Often, after such warming, the owners decide to expand the area of ​​the room by fully joining the balcony area.

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Warm

Various technological aspects are worth mentioning:

  • Wooden frames. This type of glazing frame manufacturing is environmentally friendly, affordable and most suitable for self-installation.
  • Metal-plastic windows. In the case of installation of plastic windows on the balcony, you can achieve maximum isolation of the room from extraneous noise, dust, wind and heat loss. This option is suitable if you plan to use the room year-round. However, it requires some skills, although with proper attention, self-installation is also possible.
  • Frameless option. Another option due to which the panoramic view is achieved. Strictly speaking, the frame in this design is, but they are replaced by an aluminum profile and are made according to the type of guides and are almost invisible from the side.

Due to the complexity of the installation, the frameless type of glazing is rarely used when performing the task on its own.

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Wooden frames for the balcony

To decide which type of glazing to choose, it is necessary individually at the same time it is necessary to soberly assess their capabilities and qualifications. Errors made during installation can lead not only to dangerous situations. Whichever glazing option is chosen, the approximate sequence of actions will be approximately the same. Actions can be divided into several separate stages.

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Frameless


To begin, as always, you need to start with preparation . Balcony must be freed from all items stored there. After this, it is necessary to inspect the room of the balcony for compliance with the requirements for glazing. Thus, in some cases, reinforcement of the structure will be required, and in some cases, the parapet must be completely replaced or shifted. It is important to understand that the glazing will entail an additional load on its own, while wind influences will also occur on the glazed balcony.

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo General view of frameless glazing

At the preparation stage, careful measurements of the glazing opening should also be carried out. This should be given maximum attention, as miscalculations will lead to additional difficulties in the future.It is also necessary to carry out the warming and leveling of surfaces, preliminary finishing works and other actions, the implementation of which will be further complicated.

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Strengthening the balcony with carrying out the floor

It is important to understand that step-by-step instructions are impossible in this case. More precisely, it will differ significantly in each case. However, some general description of the actions can be given.

Installation of frames

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Gain with the removal on the sill

Next is the installation step frames Actions will vary somewhat depending on the technology used.

  • For cold glazing, lightweight wooden frames with single glazing are more suitable. The frames are installed in the prepared opening and fixed. All the cracks are blown with foam, after which the glass is inserted and you can proceed to the finish.
  • If the decision is made to warm the glazing, metal-plastic windows with two-chamber double-glazed windows are more suitable. This option requires a solid foundation, and during work, special attention must be paid to respect for horizontal position and verticality. First, a frame is installed into which the glass unit is inserted.
  • If the frameless option is chosen, then the aluminum frame is mounted first, and then the glass is put. As mentioned above, this type of construction is the most difficult for independent implementation and its device is better to be entrusted to professionals.

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Installation of plastic frames

After the frames are installed, the final finishing of the room is performed .

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Frameless glazing scheme

As can be seen from the stated material, works can be performed independently only under the condition sufficient qualifications, as well as compliance with all necessary technological conditions. If there is no complete confidence in the successful outcome of the work, then it is better to entrust them to professionals.


Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Installation scheme of plastic frames

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo Remote glazing

Glazing of a balcony with your own hands + photo With a plastic parapet


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