exterior finish and basic facing options (photos and videos)

Timber is one of the most popular building materials. From it build houses, baths and other buildings for domestic use. Houses from a bar possess a special microclimate thanks to a natural origin of this building material. In addition, this structure has a number of advantages, among which is known low thermal conductivity. This property allows you to keep warm inside the house for a long time.

exterior finish and basic facing options (photos and videos)

To protect the house from a bar from rain, snow, cold, sunlight, etc. It is necessary to conduct an external finish.

Bar is subject to rotting, destruction as a result of external factors. Exterior decoration of the house from a bar will significantly extend the life of the building. In addition, with the help of finishing materials, the house is able to acquire a different look, as well as enhance the characteristics of thermal conductivity.

Finishing of the house from a bar: options

The type of finishing material depends on the choice of finishing material. It can be ventilated or non-ventilated. The movement of air is necessary for the preservation of timber, but in this case the ingress of excess moisture is unacceptable. Therefore, when installing ventilated facades, it is necessary to carefully monitor so as to prevent unnecessary gaps. The joints are sealed.

exterior finish and basic facing options (photos and videos)

Types of materials for exterior decoration of the house.

In order for the exterior decoration of the house to leave a timber of high quality and you could get a ventilated facade, you can use the following materials:

  • wall paneling;
  • block house;
  • siding panels;
  • facade tiles;
  • brick for finishing works;
  • surface polishing;
  • painting logs .

Lining is an affordable material that is easy to work with. Finishing the house is not difficult. But, in order to ensure the required reliability and durability of the exterior finish of the house from a bar, it is necessary that the lining was of excellent quality. This will prevent cracks and gaps between the finishing boards. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that in order for the thermal insulation properties of a house from a bar not to decrease, it is necessary to additionally use material for insulation. This is due to the fact that lining badly retains heat. Another feature of this finishing material is the ability to change color depending on exposure to sunlight. Over time, dust settles on it, which is noticeable. Removing it from the wall panel is difficult, even if the material is varnished in several layers.

exterior finish and basic facing options (photos and videos)

Siding is easy to install and is available in a wide range.

Siding is the most common finishing material for homes. These panels are fairly easy and quick to assemble, although for these purposes a skill is needed that can be acquired during the installation of the siding. Large selection of colors will give the house a personality. PVC siding is resistant to aggressive environmental influences.

A facing brick, which can be used as a finishing material for timber houses, can have various shapes and colors, while it must retain external properties for a long time. These qualities have clinker bricks. The foundation of the house of timber, the exterior of which will be made of this building material, should be more durable and reliable to withstand the additional load.

A brick, being a safe material, from the point of view of a fire, improves these characteristics of a house, and also increases the thermal insulation of a building. Brick exterior cladding is optimal for the price, labor costs and properties of the house.

Tile for finishing the facade of the house from a bar is rarely used, requires the assistance of experts, a lot of time and financial costs.

exterior finish and basic facing options (photos and videos)

For painting a house from a bar, special paint is needed for outdoor woodworking.

Sanding and painting often complement each other. To use this technology for facing a structure from a bar, it is necessary that the main building material is dry and of high quality. This will allow to grind and color the bars of the walls of the house. The paint should be used with a special compound that is intended for outdoor woodworking. To finish the work on grinding and further painting start after 6 months after construction.

To get a non-ventilated facade, the outside of the walls of the house is plastered with timber. This type of finish is short-lived. This is due to the fact that during shrinkage of the house (even minimal) in the plaster cracks may form, thereby violating the integrity of the finishing coating.

Preparing for finishing

Before proceeding with exterior finishing work, it is necessary to carry out the preparatory work:

  1. Make sure that the walls are leakproof. To do this, carefully examine them and, if necessary, dig.
  1. Additionally, treat the external walls with an antiseptic solution. In addition, the walls can be applied acrylic composition, which contributes to the protection of wood.

Application of siding

It is necessary to mount the siding after the house shrinks.

exterior finish and basic facing options (photos and videos)

Elements for mounting siding.

Otherwise, distortions and damage to the finishing panels are possible. In this case, the siding panels can be made of metal, wood, vinyl, acrylic. Metal panels are quite heavy, which causes certain difficulties during installation. Vinyl panels are cheap, but they must be chosen very carefully. Acrylic siding is rarely used due to the fact that it has been recently launched and the consumer has not been able to appreciate its benefits.

For finishing with siding (tools may be useful in the above-mentioned cladding options):

  • bars of 50x50 mm for fixing panels;
  • siding (metal or PVC) ;
  • pencil;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • jigsaw or fine-tipped file;
  • building long level;
  • hammer and set screwdrivers;
  • screws;
  • insulation.

exterior finish and basic facing options (photos and videos)

Siding installation scheme.

To begin with, mount the crate. Debris and large burrs on logs are removed from the walls. Next, screws are screwed on the bars, which are pre-cut to size. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the vertical and horizontal are strictly observed. Compliance is checked by construction level. If necessary, they are leveled with wooden linings. The bars are fixed in increments of 50-100 cm. Around the windows and doors the crate is made around the perimeter.

A thin heater is laid between the crates of the crates. It is enough to provide reliable thermal insulation of the house. It can be fastened with brackets. A diffusion film is applied to the insulation, which protects it from moisture. Further, the siding panels are attached to the bars. This is done on the screws, while the strips cannot be laid overlapped, otherwise their deformation may occur.

You can use multiple color siding. This will give the house uniqueness and identity. Combining panels made of different materials, although permissible, may cause difficulties in installation.

After examining the basic materials for finishing, you can easily make a choice. Good luck!

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