Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade

There are many options for finishing the facade of the house, and the modern construction market provides the widest range of materials for the implementation of pans. In addition, we must not forget that the same material can be mounted on several technologies. For example, it is increasingly possible to observe how people make a ventilated facade with their own hands. This technology of facing the house allows you to solve many problems at once and is relatively simple implementation. About what the main features of this process are enclosed in and will be discussed below.

Technology description

Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade Facade device with clinker tiles

In order to To fully understand the essence of the upcoming work, it is necessary first of all to say a few words about the features of the ventilated facade technology.

If this technology is followed, a thermal insulation layer is installed between the finishing coating and the wall, as well as a small gap that allows air to circulate freely inside the skin, which does not allow the walls to dampen.

As for how to make a ventilated facade, here it is necessary to immediately say that this is in principle a simple matter.


Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade The markup scheme

Preparation for work plays an important role in this stage will need:

  • to level the surface on which the work is planned.
  • Prepare all necessary materials (insulation, vapor barrier, topcoat), as well as tools.
  • to conduct additional theoretical training. Refresh in your memory certain nuances of the proposed work is often more important than the presence of a tool.

Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade Performing markup

As a heater, without which the installation of a ventilated facade impossible, several materials can be used. However, the most appropriate in most cases will be foam. Mineral wool is also a good insulation, but when exposed to moisture can lose its performance properties, the foam is deprived of this disadvantage.

Installation of the batten

Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade Fasteners for ventilated facades

If all the preparatory stages of the work are completed, then you can proceed to the installation of the batten. For these purposes, it is most convenient to use metal profile rails and U-shaped fasteners.

  1. First, the walls are laid out. It is necessary to make a series of vertical lines along their entire area, along which fasteners and slats will be installed. To do this, you can use a simple plummet and chop cord.
  2. According to the marked lines at a distance of 1 m from each other, it is necessary to install U-shaped fasteners.
  3. The fixing slats are installed on fasteners. Here it is important to remember that the arches of windows and doors require a "bypass" of their perimeter with additional rails.

Laying insulation

Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade Thermal insulation foam

When the batten will be done , you can proceed to laying and fixing insulation. Everything is simple here - the foam is cut to the required size, an adhesive is applied to it, and then it is inserted inside the space between the slats. Insulation must additionally be fixed, for example, "parachutes." A vapor barrier film is laid over the foam. In this case, the formation of gaps between the sheets should not be allowed. You can fix the material with a stapler.

Installation of the finish coating

Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade Installation of granite

The final stage of work is the installation of the finish cover. The main point here will be that there is some distance between the coating material and the vapor barrier. In most cases, 5-7 mm is enough. As a material suitable for the indicated purposes, can be used, for example, siding or simple metal profiles.

Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade Siding

Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade Metal profile facade

In this description of the main stages of installation of a ventilated facade can be considered complete. As can be seen from the above text, to cope with the task is quite possible without the involvement of hired professionals.

Do-it-yourself ventilated facade - design features of a ventilated facade Porcelain stoneware ventilated facade


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