Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos)

Tracks in the country with their own hands can be made from a variety of materials. The main thing is that they organically fit into the situation and like the owner. You can make tracks by looking at sketches in some magazines or on the Internet. And you can come up with your own design. Of course, some subtleties will have to be taken into account, because a number of materials need to be pre-processed. For example, wood will have to be protected, otherwise the path will become unusable very quickly.


Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) From tightly fitting stones

Paths in the country from stone will look very impressive. You can make them from stones that remained after construction. Also suitable stones that remain unused in the alpine hill. Such boulders will have a rough, "torn" shape, which is just necessary for creating scenic paths.

  1. Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) Original garden paths First you need to calculate how many stones you will need to build a walkway. This can be done in different ways. You can pre-position the boulders as a path to see if there are enough stones or not.
  2. The place where the track is supposed to be made should be sprinkled with sand. It will become a kind of pillow for stones. Sand must be well tamped.
  3. Stones need processing. They are all too different in form, so it is unlikely that they can be successfully joined without additional work. In work it is possible to use both the Bulgarian, and less powerful tools. Irregularities on the surface of the stones can also be slightly smoothed. You can do it manually. When the stones are ready, it remains only to lay them so that they create a single mosaic.

When the stones are laid, you can close the seams between them. If the seams remain, the track may eventually begin to overgrow. However, this also has its own special charm, because such a path will look as natural as possible.

In order to seal the gaps between the stones, you can use a standard mixture of sand and cement. Country tracks using stones and other similar materials have been known for a very long time. After all, the stone was used in ancient civilizations. He allowed to hide the unaesthetic appearance of soil and dirt and give noble civilization to the streets and roads.

Of concrete

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) A path of concrete

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) The form for construction The tracks at the cottage made of concrete are almost identical to stone in their characteristics.

So that the concrete path does not look too primitive and rough, you can add a decorative element - a pebble.

  1. A bed is made about 10 cm deep.
  2. Sand is poured at the bottom and compacted.
  3. A concrete-sand mixture is poured in from above. The edges of the formwork set.
  4. Pebbles are poured on the concrete that is not yet frozen. Pebbles should be distributed in such a way that a beautiful decorative pattern is obtained.

That's the whole procedure for arranging such a track. The only thing to remember is the need to install a drainage system next to such a path.


Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) From the cuts in the process of work Tracks in the country house from the tree will require maintenance from the very beginning. However, with proper protection such tracks will last long enough.

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare wooden bars and planks. Instead of bars, you can also take steel corners or pipe.
  • Bars and boards are treated with protective compounds: bitumen mastic, various impregnations.
  • After the composition has been absorbed into the wood, it is necessary to fill the boards with bars.

Agril should be laid on the ground. This material will save the owner from the attack of weeds and other vegetation.

  • The track should be mounted above.
    After the track is ready, you can paint it in any color.

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) From the cuts of the tree Such tracks can lift your spirits, especially if they are multi-colored. The tree, being an eco-friendly material, is excellent for creating various compositions.

Garden paths made of wood are available to everyone. By the way, a tree was bridges in the old times the city streets of Novgorod. The material served well, despite the high mechanical load.


Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) From brick To make tracks in a brick country house, you must first select the material. Brick is very fragile.

The brick should be tested for strength in advance. It is better to make sure that it does not crack.

  1. The track must be marked with the help of pegs and a rope.
  2. Having removed about 25 cm of soil, it is necessary to lay down the drainage system. You can do the simplest design, retaining moisture.
  3. Rubble is poured on the drainage system.
  4. Along the edges it is better to put the boards (sideways).
  5. The last stage is brick laying.

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) Layout of a brick walkway With the help of a brick, you can create many interesting variations of tracks. For example, brick chips are perfect for arranging a garden path. You can also sprinkle a concrete path with a brick. Broken brick allows you to create a beautiful mosaic pattern. Taking a brick of different color, you can make a beautiful masonry with a pattern.

If you wish, leave some distance between the bricks, which then fill with pebbles or small stones. Sometimes the ground is placed in this place, and grass grows between the bricks.

From sandstone

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) Laying sandstone

The tracks in the country house can be made from sandstone in two ways:

  • using the classical dry method;
  • using cement casting.

The last method is very much like laying a path made of stone. The dry method is more original and natural.

  1. First you need to make a trench, removing some of the soil. Then sand is poured onto the ground, which is subsequently compacted. It is necessary to make the middle of the track higher, and at the edges it should have a small slope. This is a kind of drainage system.
  2. When the place is prepared, you need to start processing the stones. Sandstone can have a variety of shapes and sizes. It is advisable before processing pre-lay it on the future track and see how it will look. Each of the stones must be leveled so as to minimize the gaps between the plates.
  3. After processing, the stones are laid on the path as if it is already ready.
  4. In order to make a classic laying of a sandstone path, you should prepare a bucket of cement mix and a bucket of sand. Lift one of the stones and place sand under it. Then press the stone firmly to the surface. When he gained stability, it was time for cement. Cement is not poured, as is the case with the stone walkway. The solution is applied in a small amount under the slab so that it protrudes slightly from under it. Sandstone must be firmly pressed to the ground.
  5. Manipulations are done with each tile of material. The work will be long, but the result is worth it.

The finished sandstone path must be washed out so that there are no traces of cement on the stones. Otherwise the whole view will be spoiled.

The crevices between the sandstone can be filled with sand or soil.

While working, you must have not only patience, but also a small pad. You have to kneel a lot, and sandstone is not the most comfortable material for such a pose.


Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) Plastic country paths

Plastic tracks are created in the cottage from ready-made modules. Probably everyone saw the plastic grilles before entering the premises? That is exactly what these elements look like. They do not require special pre-treatment sites. Plastic is a very durable material. It can serve an amazingly long time.

Be sure to pay attention to plastic construction. They are very economical, do not need long installation and are easy to dismantle.

Eco-friendly and aesthetic plastic is ideal for a cottage, and for the dacha, and to make a path in the garden.

The list of various tracks listed here is by no means the most comprehensive. To make a track, you can use almost any available material. There are even paths from bottle caps.

To create something of your own, you can combine several different materials. The main thing is to show a little imagination. The tracks have not only practical, but also aesthetic and decorative functions. They can be as magnificent as a rock garden or a summer pond. Before you make the track in the country, you need to go through several options and choose the one that really decorates the landscape and makes the garden attractive.

If there is no desire to use non-standard materials, then you can make them using a form. By the way, this is a great garden tile. There are solid forms for tracks.

We recommend reading:

  • how to make a pond in the country with your own hands;
  • dog booths made of wood with your own hands.


Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos)

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos)

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos)

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos)

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos)

Tracks in the country with their own hands (+ photos) From paving slabs


We offer your Attention to several videos on the subject of creating tracks in the country:

For the manufacture of garden paths may need forms for paving slabs. You can find out the prices for forms for garden paths on the websites of companies.


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