Chopped houses are very popular, especially recently. More and more people prefer to do this kind of building for a permanent life in them, as well as for a temporary or summer residence. But while few people think about whether it is always advisable to build such a house. After all, a house on the basis of a log-house has both its advantages and negative qualities.

Log houses do not need additional exterior and interior decoration. You can live in the building immediately after construction.
But before starting consideration of 5 main positive and 5 main negative qualities, one should take into account the fact that certain subtleties of such buildings are not necessarily harmful or beneficial. Very much varies depending on the situation and conditions.
Positive qualities
So, first consider the advantages of log houses. As a rule, different specialists see them in completely different ways. However, it would be more acceptable to consider those components that will be common and positive for absolutely everyone.

Log buildings from a log house look very nice both from the outside and from the inside, even if the wood is not processed.
- Environmental component. The undoubted positive property of a log house is its environmental friendliness. And this is not only the safety of the material, but also its usefulness. Any natural wood produces resins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. At the same time conifers have exceptional benefits.
- Practical component. This refers to the use of the room during the lifetime. If the chopped house maintains an optimal temperature and constantly has access to fresh air, then the material will serve for a long time without causing any trouble. So, in winter you need to warm up the air in the room, and in the summer to let in as much air from the street as possible. Then you will manage to avoid dampness or over-dryness of the rounded log.
- Functional component. Log buildings made of log have an excellent property - the so-called self-regulation of temperature. This feature lies in the fact that in warm weather the house perfectly retains and retains heat. But in the cold inside the room freshness prevails, due to which there is no sense of stuffiness or intense heat.
- Aesthetic component. Wooden houses always look very nice both outside and inside. And it is noticeable even in the case when the wood is not processed. If the tree is also processed with patterns, the view will be amazing. It is important that the building retains its original naturalness.
- Finishing component. It lies in the fact that the log house does not require a special type of finish. At a minimum, it will be necessary to process a well-rounded log and remove sharp parts on it. It is not necessary for installation to have a frame or expensive tools.
Negative sides
These were advantages. But you should know and cons. The negative aspects of this type of construction also have, although in terms of quality, the advantages, of course, far outweigh them. So, cons can be noted as follows.

One of the main drawbacks of building a house from a rounded log is the impossibility of carrying out the installation without the help of specialists.
- As the main negative property, it is necessary to note the high degree of fire danger of such houses from rounded logs. As you know, the tree burns very well. Therefore, even a weak careless fire can cause a large fire. Of course, special impregnations are being developed these days that will impede burning, but have not yet invented the perfect material. However, even in the context of this minus there is a plus: when burning, wood does not emit harmful substances, unlike other modern building or finishing materials.
- The second quality, which is negative, is the difficulty of installing a wooden building. The process can not be done independently, without the help of experts. If you make even a minor mistake, you can fix this for a long time.
- Another disadvantage is the inability to carry out finishing work inside the house. A rounded log is a living material, which immediately after a thorough installation should still stand for some time and get used to the place. At the same time it may shrink. It is better to carry out facing works of a round log house 1-2 months after the completion of construction works.
- It is inappropriate to build a chopped house from a rounded log if you do not expect to live in it permanently. If this is a country house or temporary dwelling, then it is better not to use a good log house for the construction.When the house is not warm from the inside, dampness will quickly start there, which will cause a fungus, and in extreme heat, without sufficient air access, the wood can crack and deteriorate.
- From time to time, log houses should be strengthened. What is meant here is that due to minor changes in the size of the wood during the fluctuation of ambient temperatures, the bottom of the building above the foundation or the roof can deteriorate. These places at home must often be treated with special means, and if necessary, additionally tamped with boards.
So, the main advantages and disadvantages of houses made of round logs are considered.
If you decide to build a house on a wooden base, weigh everything well and think it over.
The price of a good log house is quite high, but it will indeed correspond to the highest quality of the material.