The need for a passport for waste and features of the certification process

The daily work of any organizations, and especially industrial enterprises, is accompanied by the formation of various wastes. Many of them have a harmful effect on the state of ecology. To assess the negative impact of waste materials on the environment, it is necessary to develop a passport for waste.

The task of a good manager is to organize workflows as efficiently as possible, with profit, without paying penalties, which can be obtained as a result of the lack of a passport for waste. Registration of such a document should be transferred to the professionals of EcoEkspert. We have many years of experience in the segment of providing this type of service and guarantee short deadlines for order execution. Visit our website.

Our company's specialists are ready to develop a passport for waste, regardless of the level of complexity of the request with minimal customer participation. We also conduct a compulsory quantitative chemical analysis (KHA) with the registration of the protocol in an accredited laboratory. It indicates the composition of the waste, determined by the results of the AHC. Mandatory for implementation and carried out by us - the procedure for approval of waste passports in the Federal Office of Rosprirodnadzor.

The cost of services for the creation of a passport of waste is calculated individually and depends on their number, component composition, total workload and other nuances. The high level of qualification of our specialists allows you to draw up all the necessary documents for customers quickly and efficiently.

The need for a passport for waste and features of the certification process Hazardous waste must have a passport

Preparation of a passport for waste

For individual types of waste passport is compiled to assess their impact on nature and human health. In addition, it is a document for strict waste accounting and state control. It is in the passport on the type of waste that detailed and reliable information is concentrated on its hazard class, key physicochemical characteristics and properties with respect to the negative impact on the environment.

Certification, in accordance with the requirements of Rosprirodnadzor and current legislation, is necessarily carried out for each enterprise in which waste of established hazard classes is generated - from I to IV. It does not matter if the enterprise is large and city-forming, or only a few people work in the organization. The most harmful to the environment are:

  • plastic products and packaging from polymeric materials;
  • smears arising during the territory cleaning;
  • mercury and fluorescent lamps.

A passport is required to be developed for each type of waste, based on its composition, characteristics and hazard class.

The list of hazard classes adopted in the Russian Federation

The separation of waste into several hazard classes is set out in the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 511 dated January 15, 2001 "On approval of criteria for classifying hazardous waste hazard to the environment. " According to this document, the hazardous effects of various wastes on the state of the environment and human health are divided into 5 hazard classes:

  • Class I - extremely hazardous waste;
  • Class II - high hazard waste; 26>
  • III class - moderately hazardous waste;
  • IV class - low-hazard waste;
  • V class - practically non-hazardous waste (it is allowed not to develop passports).

In accordance with the Federal Law No. 89 dated 24. 06. 1998. (Article 14) all law firms and entrepreneurs who have waste from I to IV hazard class as a result of their economic activity have the obligation to formalize the identification of the generated waste to a particular hazard class in a regulatory manner. If there is no waste at the enterprise, then certification is not allowed.

A properly issued waste passport allows you to successfully go through various inspections of regulatory organizations, draw up an agreement with special organizations on garbage collection, draw up and submit reports within the framework of environmental legislation. In turn, if the enterprise does not have passports for the types of waste compiled in the prescribed manner, then it may be subject to serious penalties or even to suspend its activities.

How can we determine the need for a passport for waste? If there are special places for waste storage, as well as garbage containers or bins, the document will need to be developed. As practice of court decisions testifies, exceptions in such cases are made only by organizations renting premises in separate business centers, since all waste is exported at the expense of the facility owner (including with the help of specialized companies). Only these legal entities are exempted from the development of waste passports.

Stages of the certification process

Initially, it is necessary to study the full list of wastes of a particular enterprise, as well as the NOOLR project and a description of the technologies used in production. Perhaps, the procedure of certification has already been carried out before and you can use this information. In the general order of execution, you can select a sequence of steps that meet the requirements:

  • collection of available source data and their thorough analysis;
  • selection of waste types for which a passport is required, and coordination with the customer ;
  • selection of research methods to determine the composition and characteristics of the waste;
  • chemical (morphological and chemical analysis) and morphological analysis of the waste;
  • determination of the hazard classes of the studied waste according to the federal classifier or by calculation ;
  • approval of pr Preliminary results of justifying the hazard class of waste at Rosprirodnadzor;
  • sending the prepared passports to Rosprirodnadzor with the registration of the notice.

In our company, a passport for waste is carried out on a turnkey basis. It is obligatory to transfer a copy of the developed passport for hazardous waste to the Rosprirodnadzor regional bodies for storage.

The need for a passport for waste and features of the certification process The procedure of certification is carried out in several stages

Features of the coordination of passports

New procedure approval of waste passports was established from August 1, 2014, taking into account their composition according to the Federal Classification Catalog of Waste (FCC):

  • for those wastes that are included in the FCCW - coordination is carried out with the mandatory notification and submission of information to the state inventory of waste, and after the provision of passports in paper form to the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor;
  • for in waste not defined in the Classifier - information is first submitted in paper form to Rosprirodnadzor, and then sent to the FBU "FTSAO" to check and justify the established hazard class. No more than 3 months shall be allotted for the identification procedure with the issuance of a conclusion on the compliance or non-compliance of the established type of waste with the accepted hazard class and its transfer back to the Rosprirodnadzor authorities. At the same time, the applicant is required to notify the applicant of the correctness of the classification or incompatibility of the type of waste with a specific hazard class within 3 days; Otherwise, they can be considered in hazard class IV. For evidence of waste hazard class V, law firms are obliged to provide the following information:
    • chemical analysis documents and a protocol on the composition of waste types;
    • appearance characteristics, parameters of occurrence, normal condition and physical form low hazardous waste.

As a confirmation of the identified hazard class of waste, a letter (or its copy) is sent to the enterprises from the Rosprirodnadzor authorities on the compliance of the studied waste types with existing ones.

The need for a passport for waste and features of the certification process Recycling

Duration for passport

Developed passports for individual types of hazardous waste at the request of a particular company are valid from the moment they are registered with Rosprirodnadzor and during the entire life of the enterprise (indefinitely). In addition, there is no time limit for waste included in FCCW. It will be necessary to reissue passports if additional changes are made to the Federal Classifier or when the composition or parameters of hazardous waste are changed, which is possible, for example, as a result of a change in technology or equipment at the enterprise. In 2014, mass certification was carried out in connection with the updating of legislation. Previously issued passports also need new design and approval.

Lack of a passport for waste

If, as a result of an inspection of the regulatory authorities, an enterprise reveals the absence of passports for types of hazardous waste, this is regarded as a violation of the law and punishable:

  • for a manager or other officials - a fine in the amount of 10,000 to 30,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities directly - a fine in the amount of 100,000 to 250,000 rubles, with the possibility of temporarily ceasing the operation of the enterprise for up to 3 months.

"EcoEkspert" - a reliable assistant in the conduct of certification

Our experienced experts with high quality and in a short time will issue passports:

  • for household waste that represents a hazard ;
  • for medical waste;
  • for mercury lamps.

For our regular and future customers, we are pleased to offer:

  • an excellent level of preparation and knowledge of the legislation with the latest changes;
  • research in an accredited laboratory;
  • implementation of the procedure for coordination and transfer of information to the authorities of the RPN;
  • efficiency of execution and affordable cost of services.


EcoEkspert LLC, Moscow

http: // eco-research. RF /


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