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Roof installation refers to the final stage in building a house. The supporting system of rafters consists of several stages, and one of them is a sheathing, the chosen material of the roof will subsequently be attached to it, this is a kind of frame for the roof. The quality of the lathing is directly related to the lifetime of the roof.

technology and nuances of editing (video)

Scheme of the batten and counter-grilles of the roof.

Lathing the roof with your own hands is not such a complicated process, you can easily cope with it yourself.

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Dependence of the sheathing step on the angle of the roof slope.

To begin with, decide exactly how you want to do the work:

  1. The material fits quite tightly, fastens on the rafters, it turns out a solid surface.
  2. The flooring is made of moisture resistant sheet OSB (it is also considered durable), as a result, any roof can be fixed on the surface.
  3. Bars are laid on rafters laid across (parallel to the ridge), then from the top are placed either boards or bars from the ridge to the overhang.

Fastening is done with nails, it is important that their length is not greater than the thickness of the boards (or bars, if they are used). Before starting the work, it is recommended to treat the wood with water and microbial protectors; installation is recommended to be done only with dry material. Also an important question - what will the roof be, as the crate for different types of roofing will have different features.

Main types

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Types of roof structures.

For pitched roofs, the following types are used:

  1. Solid roof lathing. It is most often used for bitumen tiles and roll roofing. This look is carried out by a cut board, chipboard, plywood or moisture resistant OSB. Fastened material with a gap of 3 to 5 mm for the girders and rafters, it is necessary in order to compensate for thermal expansion.
  2. Sparse. In this form, a distance of 70 to 75 cm is allowed when using slate, up to 1.5 m when using a metal profile with an average wave. This type can be made of wood or metal.
  3. Standard. This type is used more often than others, the allowable step is from 30 to 40 cm, specific figures depend on what kind of roof will be used and what weight.

The pitch can also depend on the angle of the roof. Most often, wood is used for these purposes: either a board with a width of up to 150 mm or a bar of 30x40 mm. One of the modern types of material is galvanized profile, it is used both under the metal profile and under other types of roofing.

Creation of a frame for rolled material

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Scheme of the counter-grating of the roof.

If you chose roll materials for the roof, you need to know what features they will have:

  • the type of roof battens is solid;
  • the frame is not should bend when people walk on it;
  • you need to inspect the surface well so that there are no protruding nails (or caps) and other irregularities - they can damage the roof;
  • the gaps between the boards are unacceptable.

How to make a roof lathing for further covering with rolled material: lay the timber in one layer, fix it with rafters, then place the boards close on top. It is believed that for this purpose, more suitable rabbit boards because of their reliability.

Boards should have a width of 10 to 15 cm, if wider, it is better to split them in length. In order for the frame to be reliable, you need to dock the boards, observing the chess order. In order to keep the rolled material whole, it is necessary to fasten boards with rounded edges at the end of the overhang.

Creation of a frame under the tile

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Installation scheme of the roof lathing.

The tile has been considered an excellent roofing material for many years, only today its diversity is higher. What you need to know about the roof crate with your own hands under the future tiling: you can do with the frame in one layer. To the rafters nail bars, having a cross section above 6 cm, are tiled, it is on them that the tiles are subsequently laid (classical or metal tiles - it does not matter).

The pitch in this case depends on the size of the drain and the tile itself. For higher reliability, you can crate in 2 layers using the size of the same diameter as the first layer. The tile should fit snugly against the bars, so it is important that it is mounted on a flat surface.

Creation of a skeleton for a soft roof and slate

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Scheme of attic insulation for a crate.

Soft roof increases its popularity every year, it has such advantages as low price and ease of installation.How to make a roof crate for further use of a soft roof:

  • a solid frame is required, that is, you need to sew the bars on the rafters and put an edging board on top;
  • in case the boards are from the wrong storage deformed, you need to lay them in such a way that the hump was below;
  • you can make a crate of sheet material, fixing them to the first row of bars without breaks.

It is very important that there are no sharp edges, protruding parts, as it is possible to damage the material of the future roof.

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Table of typical dimensions of the profile and pitch of the batten.

Creation of a frame for slate. Slate, though losing popularity, but it can also be found on the roofs of private houses. What you need to know about creating lathing under slate:

  • it is allowed to do both in one layer and in two;
  • the first layer of bars is fastened with nails parallel to the ridge to the rafters;
  • the allowable pitch is from 50 to 80 cm;
  • the boards are placed on the first layer either in a continuous or sparse layer towards the slope;
  • in case the boards are laid in a thin layer, the step should be from 60 to 80 cm, usually the width depends on the size of slate sheets.

Slate is fastened in three places - in the middle and along the edges. In order to avoid deformation of the slate, it is necessary to observe order: an odd bar 3 cm above even.

Technology and installation features

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Scheme of minimum slope for various types of roofing.

As already mentioned, the roof with your own hands and, in particular, the installation of the frame is an easy process, the main thing is to be attentive. The crate should always be mounted absolutely flat.

If there is a need to perform warming of the roof, the waterproofing is placed in the process of installation along the rafters. Then you need to install the counter grille, this is necessary in order to create a ventilation gap (by increasing the distance between the waterproofing layer and the frame).

The lathing is fastened along all the rafter legs, it is possible to use both nails and self-tapping screws. What set you need to stock up when starting work:

  • bars;
  • boards;
  • nails (or screws);
  • hammer;
  • construction level;
  • saw (if you have to cut off the excess);
  • if necessary - material for waterproofing.

As the work progresses, the list can be supplemented, everything will depend on the chosen type of frame and on which roof will be used. And, of course, the stairs, which will have to climb on the roof.

How to calculate elements: nuances

When mounting a wooden frame, it is important to correctly calculate the elements. What affects the thickness of the batten:

  • the greater the distance between the rafters, the thicker the frame;
  • the weight of the roof plays an important role in choosing the thickness of the elements;
  • the weight of snow in winter , that is, you need to rely on specific climatic conditions;
  • the weight of a person who will be engaged in repair and preventive types of work on the roof.

You must also carefully select the tree: well dried, free from defects, without large knots. It is advisable to inspect all stocks for defects before starting work.

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