How to use a jigsaw: from the experience of professionals

In order for home life to enjoy comfort, each of us, willy-nilly, has to learn the secrets of effective use of construction tools. After all, everyday experience, a friend of difficult mistakes, constantly confirms the wisdom of those who made a conclusion: if you want the work to be done well, do it yourself.

How to use a jigsaw: from the experience of professionals

Electric jigsaw device.

It is very important for novice masters when preparing for construction and repair work to know how to use a jigsaw. After all, it is this tool that at first replaces the trimming and circular saw, it serves not only for figure cutting, but also for cutting material.

And even a couple of decades ago, most of the home craftsmen had to hang around for a long time, having only the opportunity to cut out various arts with a manual jigsaw, today most practitioners use an electric model. This is not only convenient and fast, but also allows you to work with various materials: plasterboard, laminate flooring, ceramic tiles, steel sheets, and so on.

Those who do not have the skills to work with a jigsaw, be sure to follow the advice of experienced builders so as not to break the tool and not to spoil the product during processing.

How to use a jigsaw effectively: from the experience of professionals

How to use a jigsaw: from the experience of professionals

A drawing of a thermoelectric jigsaw.

  1. First of all, you should take care of safety and hide your eyes from the sawdust with safety glasses. This is the case if the model does not have a pipe for suction of dust, which is inserted into the vacuum cleaner.
  2. If you have to work with a used wood, then it is worth checking whether there are any hammered nails in it, so as not to ruin the file.
  3. Those who have purchased a cheap Chinese jigsaw will have to re-buy quality files. Those in the kit - immediately bend and have initially blunted teeth. It is necessary to ensure that the shank of new files came to the jigsaw.
  4. The cut will only differ in accuracy when the part is clearly fixed with clamps. Hands should not hold the part!
  5. If the jigsaw does not cut easily, you need not press down on the cut, but replace the file - it becomes dull.
  6. You need to cut not along the line itself, but side by side - it will be more accurate.
  7. For smooth cut to avoid chipping, the part is usually placed face down. This rule is not suitable for thick blanks.
  8. The pendulum mechanism increases speed, so for accurate finishing work it interferes - it is better to turn it off or set it to the minimum. And you need to include it only when working with plastic, foam, soft wood.
  9. At low speed the jigsaw overheats faster and therefore often requires interruptions in work.
  10. Solid materials are treated with jigsaws of high power and at high speeds.
  11. The file squeezed during operation is released manually, rather than experimenting with the start buttons and speed mode, otherwise the jigsaw interiors may burn out.
  12. Those who use a jigsaw for cutting copper, alloys with aluminum and other soft metals should wet the canvas with water, and preferably with machine oil. So it will be easier to cut, and the file will not dull longer.
  13. Plexiglas must be cooled before cutting.
  14. Careful attitude to the tool is a must! Lubricate parts (gear, pendulum, rod, cam), clean, store in the necessary conditions - these simple rules will prolong his service for a long time.

Types of cutting

How to use a jigsaw: from the experience of professionals

Direction of the teeth of the file.

  1. Free. The file almost touches the workpiece. You can not push, you need to work smoothly and slowly, exactly along the line.
  2. Parallel to the edge. Sawing along the guide ruler, bar or rail, which is placed on the edge of the stop. The ski tool is installed parallel to the guide.
  3. Under the bevel. Also used guide rail. On the ski, unscrew the screw, turn it so as to obtain the desired angle and fix it again.
  4. Curvilinear. If the bend is very sharp, pre-cutting along the radius is carried out towards the center.

The holes inside the parts are made by first drawing their shape and drilling a hole with a drill. And then insert a saw into this hole and saw with a jigsaw, carefully changing the angle of the cut. Sharp change of direction leads to breakage of the saw. Therefore, it is better not to be lazy, turn off the tool, drill another hole and continue working.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the above knowledge of little professional tricks and having a jigsaw with a well-adjusted pressure roller and equipped with a sharp file suitable to the material will help you quickly acquire skills and achieve a quality result for every home lover repair.

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