How to dilute cement without sand

It is well known that for the preparation of a classic cement mixture, the initial three fractions of sand are kneaded with one fraction of cement. But there are a number of other types of cement mortars, the proportions in which differ markedly from those given above. In this article we will try to tell you about how to dilute cement with and without sand, consider the proportions to take the components.

The composition of cement mortar

How to dilute cement without sand

How to dilute cement without sand Slag waste Cement mortar used during construction activities , is a plastic mixture, which consists of a special binder (cement) and a filler of one kind or another. In addition, water is added to this solution, as the evaporation of which the finished material hardens and eventually turns into a monolith. Cement is widely used when carrying out construction works of the widest profile. Note that the ready-made solutions, most often used in construction, are simple and mixed. Cement and lime mortars are usually considered as simple compounds, and cement-lime and a number of others are mixed. The role of the filler, which is part of the cement mixture, is usually played by the following materials:

  • river or quarry sand;
  • slag waste;
  • small fragments of stones;
  • sawdust, etc.

Types of mortars

How to dilute cement without sand Cement mortar for

For its intended purpose, all cement mortars are divided into the following categories:

  • foundation mortars used in the construction of concrete foundations;
  • mortars used for brick masonry, as well as for bonding other building materials;
  • cement screeds;
  • cement milk.

In the manufacture of cement masonry mortars, sand and cement are usually mixed based on a three-to-one ratio, resulting in a homogeneous mass of gray. In the manufacture of foundations, special grades of cement are used, and bulk materials such as gravel, crushed stone, or expanded clay can be used as a filler.

How to dilute cement without sand Solution for foundation

For preparing cement screeds, the main components of the finished mortar (cement grade M500 and good Purified sand) is also taken in the classic one to three proportion. Cement milk is used in a series of finishing operations and is a mixture of cement and water in the proportion determined by its intended purpose.

To obtain solutions with an optimal working density, it is recommended to select cements of different grades, but at the same time special attention is paid to the exact calculation of the amount of sand in them. For cement grade M200, their proportion should be 1: 3.5; for the M300, this figure is one to five, and for the M400 brand - one to six.

Production of solutions

How to dilute cement without sand Preparation of a solution

How to dilute cement without sand Mixing To prepare the cement mortar, a wide container or a pallet made of planks is used, where the layer of cement, and then the layer of sand, are poured alternately. For the convenience of preparing the mixture, the number of such layers can be increased to 6, which will allow you to mix both its components thoroughly. After the dry mixture is ready, water is added to it in small doses, and then the resulting composition is thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed. For masonry, a mortar with a thicker consistency is needed, and for pouring floors, a thinner consistency.

Experts recommend kneading not a very large portion of the solution at a time, because within a certain time (in about an hour) it can lose its binding properties.

If you figured out how to build cement for the foundation, you can easily perform the following operations:

  • preparing the foundation;
  • plastering the walls;
  • making cement screed, etc.


The following video shows material for preparing cement mortar for masonry:


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