Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video

The frame house is light and very simple, it can be built in a short time. Such facilities are becoming increasingly popular. The buildings are erected in the suburban areas for both seasonal and permanent residence. When building buildings using this technology, it is necessary to take into account only one detail - the period of residence. In the article we will give a step-by-step instruction for the construction of a frame house with your own hands.

Choice of foundation

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video The bar foundation in the section

Since the frame houses are very light, there is no need for a particularly powerful foundation, you can install the following types:

  • screw piles;
  • posts;
  • finely recessed tape.

Much when laying the foundation depends on the type of soil and the height of the structure. So, in the construction of a simple one-story house you can completely do columnar, even on moody soil.

Pillar founding

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video Foundation

  1. To build a small a house for one medium-sized family on a column base; for the base, you need to purchase about 120-150 columns.
  2. With the help of an ordinary drill it is necessary to make in the ground recesses with a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of about one meter. The distance between the holes is about 80 cm.
  3. Then asbestos-cement pipes (columns) are inserted into the holes. The space left next to the pipes should be tamped, filled with rubble and sand.
  4. Pour the cement solution through the funnel into the holes in the posts.

Having established such a foundation, one should not even wait until the solution hardens to continue work.

Screw pile foundation

On screw piles, you can build a house without involving a team of workers. To install the piles, on the contrary, it is desirable to use precisely manual labor. This is due to the fact that this work allows you to screw the pile strictly on the level without deviations.

While screwing in the piles, one basic rule must be remembered: unscrewing the piles again is strictly prohibited. Even if one of them was installed incorrectly, it is better to just leave it in the same position than to break the packed ground.

Loosening piles is the main mistake of all newbies.

Construction stages

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video Screw foundation

There are two technologies for the construction of frame houses: Finnish and Canadian. However, the very principles of the construction of such structures are the same.

Stages of construction:

  1. For the construction of the house used frames. They can be wooden or steel, depending on the wishes of the owner. Today the most widespread wooden timber. They are economical, environmentally friendly and easy to install. Steel frames at the same time are more expensive by about a third. However, they are somewhat lighter in weight, which allows you to save on the foundation. In steel structures, you can safely use steel fasteners. But for a tree it is better to choose wooden pins.
  2. First of all, you need to make a floor. To do this, put ruberoid on the base of the floor. Next, you need to install on the perimeter of the timber, which will serve as the basis for the installation of sub-floor. Rough floor is made from the most inexpensive material - unedged board.
  3. Before you install a draft floor, you need to make lags and put insulation between them that protects from cold and moisture. Boards before laying it is better to preliminarily treat impregnations from rotting and dampness.
  4. When the floor is ready, you need to assemble the walls. They are mounted first on some flat surface, and only then installed. It is advisable to choose a completely flat place in order to knock down the frame of each wall, otherwise distortions can occur. On each side of the walls it is necessary to make strings that will support the rack.
  5. When installing the walls, you need to take into account the desired height of the ceiling. It is better if it is within 2.5 meters. This ensures that after decorating it will not be lower than 2.3 meters. Usually low ceilings depress and cause unpleasant feelings.
  6. House sheathe boards.
  7. Equally important is the installation of windows. According to the technology, their size should not exceed 20% of the wall size. When glazing, you can choose any windows. If you plan to live in a house all year round, it is better to choose triple sealed windows.

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video General scheme

After the frame has been assembled and sheathed and the roof is ready, it is necessary to proceed to the decoration of the decorative structure. The house can be finished with clapboard, siding or sandwich panels. When finishing the roof should be careful that it does not leak. Between the lags is better to lay a layer of insulator and waterproofing material. Such a modern material as metal tile is well suited for exterior coating.

House insulation

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video Roof

Before weatherize the house, select materials.Warming is carried out from within and outside. It is better to make the interior trim using mineral wool and drywall. If desired, you can use inside the drywall vinyl, which not only retains all the insulating properties of this material, but also has excellent aesthetic characteristics. Thus, the master at the same time solves the problem with insulation and will make a decorative decoration of the room.

Exterior insulation is carried out before finishing. It is also necessary to conduct thermal insulation.

  1. First, make the crate at home. A layer of mineral wool is laid between the battens of the batten.
  2. On top of the mineral wool foam is applied.
  3. The gaps between the foam plates and the uprights are filled with ordinary foam.
  4. Warming of the outer part of the frame can be carried out without lathing.

The interior is insulated in much the same way. It is necessary to lay the material between the racks of the house, and then additionally close the foam.

Features of the vapor barrier insulation arrangement of the frame house

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video Wall scheme

any room. Especially if it is a residential house in which there are kitchen, bathroom and other places of high humidity. It is noted that in such rooms the moisture level can be even higher than in the open air.

Steam insulation is often installed incorrectly.

  1. The main mistake is the use of home-made materials and polyethylene instead of factory-made vapor insulators. Vapor barrier film, despite its similarity with polyethylene, has a special structure. It is multi-layered.
  2. Incorrect and poor-quality installation of the vapor barrier. Sometimes builders in the process of installing the membrane can break it or damage the seams. It also often happens that the membrane does not adhere well to the walls.
  3. Installing the vapor barrier on the outside of the house. Windproof layers are usually made outside. And the steam insulator should be mounted only from the inside. By the way, during installation you should make sure that the membrane is installed with the right side.

The vapor barrier is mounted on a heat insulating layer. The fact is that it is the heat insulator that is most often damaged by condensate. Therefore, it must be protected. If steam penetrates inside, after about a couple of seasons, the owner of the house will find that the insulation has ceased to function. The moisture here is to blame, which caused the appearance of cracks in this layer. If you do not eliminate the defect, then it will only get worse. Soon the steam will reach the boards.

Usually the thickness of the walls of a frame house consists of 70% heat insulation material. If the insulating layer is destroyed, the structure will fall apart very quickly.

When installing a vapor barrier, you must remember that the building must “breathe”. It should contain the natural movement of air masses.

Installing polyethylene instead of special membranes destroys the processes of ventilation. This causes the destruction of the house. In the premises begins to appear dampness, mold and fungus. Forced ventilation is unlikely to save the day.

No material acts as destructively as polyethylene. It completely seals the room. Given that in modern homes there are also sealed windows and double doors, you can imagine what the atmosphere will be in such a room.

Photos of interesting solutions

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video Vapor barrier

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video Installation of windows

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video

Frame house do it yourself: instructions, photos, schemes, video

Video: Independent construction of a house using frame technology


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