Fireplace drywall do it yourself

It may seem to some that having a fireplace in an apartment is on the verge of science fiction. However, thanks to modern building technologies this has become possible. In fact, the fireplace plays a huge role in the formation of the home of the family hearth, warmth and comfort. Therefore, with the help of drywall, you can make a simple fireplace.

Assembling a tool

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Metal shears

You need not so much a lot of tools. It is not necessary to acquire a professional set, although with it the process will go much easier and faster. So, you will need:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Scissors for metal.
  4. Roulette.
  5. Level.
  6. Marker and pencil.

With this basic tool, you can get to work.

How to find the right place

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Finishing the fireplace portal

This question is not worth the rush. The most important thing is to perfectly choose the room, and after that the place where it will be located, namely, on which wall. If the room is large enough, then it can be placed in the middle of the longitudinal wall, decorating it with a false-chimney. When the area is limited, you can make a corner fireplace. Try to find a place that will be away from the cabinet, doors, batteries, etc. Given this, you can prevent unnecessary problems.

Making the project

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Portal scheme

The first step is to create an individual model of the fireplace . For example, you can make a sketch or drawing on a large sheet of paper. Perhaps at the beginning of the design it would be nice to look at ready-made models of fireplaces. This will allow you to actually present it at the place you have chosen. The model of the fireplace may be different from what you saw. So do not strive for this. Create an individual masterpiece that will emphasize the interior of this particular room.

Some experts advise making a pre-built layout. As a result, you can realistically see what happens in the end. This can be done using foam and white glue. So, you will see a really finished construction and maybe add something.

Realize a dream!

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Layout

Work should begin with the manufacture of the box. We can safely say that this stage of work is the most important, because already at this stage the foundation, strength and stability of the future fireplace is laid. As a rule, the frame is made of UD and CD profiles. Beforehand, from the project drawn on a piece of paper, transfer the outline of the fireplace to the wall and partially to the floor. At the same time use the level, thereby achieving accuracy. It is important that the guide profile is securely fastened to the wall.

Every delivered profile must be checked by level. It is important that the size is fully consistent with the dimensions on the drawings. If you hurry, you can deviate from the specified size, which will lead to the fact that the electric fire simulator does not fit into the fireplace. Then all your work will go downhill!

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Frame profile

When the whole frame will be ready, you can start facing it drywall. After that, each formed joint is smeared with a special putty. It is important to use a special tape - serpyanka - which will prevent the appearance of cracks. Aluminum corners are installed at the corners, which will give the fireplace more durability and severity of outlines. If you want to make a foot, then you will need to build an additional frame for it. Subsequently, this foot can be put as a decor logs.

Before installing an electric fireplace, it will be necessary to carefully pierce the entire structure. After grouting, the fireplace will be ready for finishing.

Fireplace decoration is an important step

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Sheeting with gypsum plasterboard

Creating the frame and sheathing its drywall, you did only half the work. The next stage is perhaps the most important one - decoration. The portal is the main element of each fireplace. In fact, this is his facade, which will always be in sight of everyone. For its design, you can use absolutely any material. For example, it could be:

  1. Marble.
  2. Brick.
  3. Painting.
  4. Gypsum finish.
  5. Forging.
  6. Artificial stone.
  7. Tile.

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Making a fireplace

It is not necessary to use strictly one material. You can combine, achieving maximum beauty. If you get to the foot, you can use stone, marble, tile or brick here. The choice will depend on the overall interior of the room. You can install some accessories that will give the model a natural look: forged bars, logs, etc.

It is necessary to ensure that the fireplace is completely harmonious. Each element must fully comply with the style and convey the design idea.

An unforgettable moment!

Fireplace drywall do it yourself A fireplace near the longitudinal wall

Perhaps Everyone knows that a person can look at a fire for long hours without stopping. This truth is confirmed by many generations. If you want to create a real comfort at home, harmony, which will be complemented by a fireplace, then do not hesitate. Rather, get down to business. We are sure that you will succeed. A little patience and you can sit every evening with your loved one near the fire, even if it is artificial.



Fireplace drywall do it yourself Corner of the plasterboard

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Gypsum fireplace in the interior

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Decorative finish

Fireplace drywall do it yourself Stone finishing


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