Do-it-yourself washing machine installation

Today it is difficult to find housing in which there would be no washing machine. If you are faced with the problem of connecting the washing machine, then this article is for you.

Preparing for installation

To avoid damage to the washing machine during transport, manufacturers carefully pack their products.

Do-it-yourself washing machine installation Unscrew the bolts!

  • First, the packing box is carefully removed and the bolts for fixing the machine body.
  • If you carefully examine the device, you can see special plugs that close the structural holes.
  • All elements to be dismantled should be kept. They can still be useful in the event that a move is planned or the car will have to be brought in for repair or replacement.

Due attention should be paid to the enclosed instruction, in which the sequence of actions for unpacking is described. It clearly states how to proceed when disassembling the transportation parts. If you buy an imported machine, you need to check whether there is a translation from the language of the country of origin. If you carefully study the instructions and follow it step by step, then there should be no problems connecting the device. Then installation of the washing machine will occur without much effort.

Do-it-yourself washing machine installation This is what you need to manipulate

Before the washing machine is turned on for the first time , all bolts, screwed in to guarantee safe transportation, must be removed. Otherwise, work nodes will become unusable. Warranty obligations will not be valid, as the damage will occur due to the fault of the party that failed to comply with the manufacturer’s order.

Water connection

The washing machine works only if water is supplied to the appliance without interruption. Wash is performed in several modes in which water has a different temperature. Water temperature is automatically adjusted. Cold water is supplied to the washing machine with the help of a water inlet hose, which is included in the kit. It happens that the length of the hose is not enough to connect to the water supply system, then an additional hose of the desired size is purchased at a retail outlet specializing in this type of product.

Do-it-yourself washing machine installation

A hole is provided on the rear wall of the machine to which one end of the hose is attached. The other end of the hose is connected to the water pipe. This procedure is performed by several methods.

  • Well, when there is a faucet in the water supply network that is specifically designed to connect the washing machine, then it will be quite simple to connect the hose. You will need a transitional fitting with a thread that fits both the hose and the tap. In order to avoid leakage, when installing with threaded connections, it is necessary to provide for a seal.
  • If the water supply system is made of metal pipes, then you can make a tie-in for the installation of a faucet. In this case, you need to purchase a ball valve for two issues and a threaded collar. Water is blocked at the entrance to the house or apartment, after which a hole is made in the pipe. Then on the drilled hole tensioned clamp with a seal. After that, the valve is screwed on the thread. Finally, a hose is attached to the free release tap.
  • Another way of connecting the hose to the pipe is to use a ball valve, which has three issues constructively. The crane needs to be chosen qualitative - it is better from brass.

Drainage to the sewage

Do-it-yourself washing machine installation Siphon to connect the washing machine

The owners, for the most part, are not looking for specific ways to drain the sewage into the sewage system and use the simplest methods. Among them we can distinguish the descent of waste through a sink or bath, while using a plastic retainer, which is included with the washing machine. The plastic part is attached to the wall near the plumbing fixture and does not allow the drain hose to move during the discharge of the used fluid. In simplicity lies some inconvenience. After the operation, the bath and washbasin must be washed, as they become dirty after washing. The best drain option is to use a special siphon, made in the form of a plastic knee, which has a drain for the drain hose.

Do-it-yourself washing machine installation So it is not recommended to connect the washing machine!

The tap must be done over the bend of the knee, then there will be air access. Directly connecting the drain is prohibited. If the drain pipe is laid too low, water may flow out of the washing machine by gravity.

Electrical connection

Do-it-yourself washing machine installation Waterproof socket

Since Laundry products are installed in rooms in which humidity is always high, this presents a certain danger when connecting the appliance to the electrical network. In this regard, the outlet for the device must be waterproof. You also need to take into account that the washing machine has a metal body. This means that the socket must be grounded.


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