By arranging the hallway, the owner may wonder what kind of wallpaper would be appropriate here. Today there are so many different colors, textures and brands of wallpaper that you can get confused. However, the choice can be made on the basis of a practical point of view.
A few tips
Pink plain wallpaper
- For starters, must take into account the specifics of this room. It is known that it is located directly in front of the entrance to the apartment. This means that all the dust that can enter the apartment will settle first of all here. Therefore, it is better if the wallpaper will be washable. For example, you can pick up vinyl varieties that are perfectly amenable to wet cleaning and withstand increased load.
- Another practical consideration, which is related to the previous one, is that it is better to take wallpaper not in light colors. Blonde very quickly get dirty. A raid of dust appears on them almost instantly. On the other hand, taking too dark wallpaper should not be. Because there are absolutely no windows in the hallway, and the lights here are usually not very bright. With dark wallpaper the room will look gloomy. But the hallway is the place that should inspire.
- After, you can think about how to purchase a product of a special texture. In the hallways are very popular wallpaper with imitation of tile, brick and stone. Also interesting is the version of imitation for plaster. Such wallpapers will perfectly fit into the interior and create an atmosphere of comfort and style.
- Among all the varieties of wallpaper there is one option that seems to be specially created for the hallway - it is a glass wall. They are well tolerate any cleaning, including the use of various mixtures. They can be repainted repeatedly, and then remove the old layer of paint. Glass fiber is so resistant that even solvents are not afraid. The cost of them, however, is quite high. But this price is justified. Also on the glass wall can be applied to various drawings. By the way, such surfaces can be very light. Of course, they will have to take care of them all the time, but leaving will not harm them.
- Another option that is perfect in the hallway is liquid wallpaper. In old houses, one defect can be observed, with which the owners struggle endlessly: these are uneven walls. The roughness of such walls can be terrifying. This is the angle of inclination of the slab, and various bulges and dents, and bumps. After painting the wall with paint, the owners after a while discover that it has cracked. No composition can hide such a defect. And here come to the aid of liquid wallpaper. They perfectly cover the surface, do not tear, do not fall off, do not crack. If desired, these wallpapers can be painted in any color and even give them texture. For the price, they are quite economical, so they are not burdensome, even with a modest repair budget.
- If you want to create an unusual image of the room, then iron wallpaper will do. They are covered on top with a thin layer of foil, which allows you to make interesting patterns and textures on the surface. Such wallpaper in the interior of the hallway will cast a metallic luster and even make the room noticeably lighter. Working with metal wallpaper will not be difficult even for a beginner. You just need to practice a little and everything will work out.
How to fix the hallway defects
Repair the walls
Wallpapers will help visually fix a lot of the traditional hallway flaws. These include low ceilings, uneven walls, too small room size, lack of light.
In the long narrow hallways, you can create a very interesting effect, if you paste over the room with different wallpaper.
Playing light and dark in design If the ceiling in the hallway is too low, then you need to select wallpaper with vertical stripes. They will visually increase the height of the ceiling. - In many old apartments the hallway is very small. To correct this deficiency, it is necessary, on the contrary, to choose wallpaper with horizontal stripes. Also a great shade of materials will increase the volume of the room.
- When there is little light in the hallway, you can use the already described metal wallpaper. You can also make repairs in a special way. To increase the illumination, the light look of the wallpaper is glued to the upper part of the wall, and dark is glued to the bottom. This is a design trick that allows you to create a lighting effect.
- When the hallway is too large, a large-patterned wallpaper will help to give it comfort. If the room is too small, then it is better to choose a small drawing.
- In modern houses you can find long and narrow hallways.
There is no need to glue materials with a horizontal strip in such rooms, this will only further increase the length of the corridor. If you make white walls in such a hallway, you get the effect of a hospital. Therefore, it is necessary to experiment and create something interesting here. The space of modern hallways allows you to apply fantasy.
Wallpapers for the interior
In horizontal stripes
You need to look at the furniture that will be placed indoors. You should also consider the color and texture of the ceiling. All elements of the hallway should be in harmony and successfully combined. In this case, do not forget that from the hallway a person gets into other rooms. Therefore, we must also take into account the compatibility of the style in the hallway with the overall design in the apartment.
Flowers can be placed in the hallway. However, it must be plants from among unpretentious. After all, there is very little light in the room, and those flowers that love sunlight will simply die in such conditions.
Rooms should not be too contrasted (if this is, of course, not a special design solution, such as a separate style for each room). It would be great if the individual elements of the rooms will overlap with each other, creating a common theme. You can also place in the hallway any decorations. It can be figurines, interesting furniture fittings and other details.
Uniform textured wallpapers
Pink and blue shades
The strip for the hallway
With wide horizontal stripes
Light with geometry elements
We recommend buying wallpapers via online stores, because the price is often 15-20% cheaper.