Heating the boiler strapping is an obligatory procedure that will be required if you decide to install the entire system yourself. This article will help to deal with many nuances and take into account possible pitfalls. It should deal with various schemes and solutions.
What is it?
Baxi Eco boiler strapping scheme for a two-story house
Simply put, this is a sequence of actions that includes the calculation and connection of various components. This is necessary so that the whole system functions smoothly and the boiler can operate with the highest possible efficiency. This will contribute to high efficiency and economical consumption of energy.
Components of the strapping

The set of components will depend on which type of system is selected:
- natural or gravitational circulation;
- forced circulation;
- mixed.
For the first option it will be as follows:
- Boiler. This is the heart of the whole mechanism. It is he who, by heating the fluid, forces it to act in accordance with the laws of physics - to rise upwards and to pass through the whole contour. After that, cooling down, she returns to the original point. For the option of natural circulation used floor heating devices.
- Pipes. For such a solution, large diameter metal pipes will be relevant (in some cases the supply pipe may be 2 "). It is important that there is no resistance from the main for free circulation of water.
- Expansion tank. It can be as open - not in contact with the air, either in contact with the environment - or in a closed type - no additional diaphragms are used here, since there is no need to maintain the specified pressure. It is mounted at the highest point of the entire system.
- Batteries Apply m There are both cast iron and steel radiators.
- Mayevsky's crane. It is desirable that it be installed on all batteries where it is needed. In this case, at any time it will be possible to let the air out of the battery.
- Fittings. The most commonly used metal threaded or welded corners, tees, taps and other connectors.
The advantages of such a system are ease of installation, accessibility of all components, the ability to self-install. The disadvantages include significant dimensions of the components, which greatly affects the appearance. Also, the other side of the coin is inertia or slow warming up of the entire wiring.
Binding components for systems with forced circulation
For systems with forced circulation, the components will be as follows:
- Boiler. In this case, you can use any option. The binding of the wall unit is fundamentally similar, but includes additional elements. Also this type of heater is equipped with additional protective systems.
- Pipes. With this implementation, it is possible to use both metal and all types of suitable plastic products.
- Expansion tank. Here it is of membrane type. Inside it is a "pear", it allows you to maintain the pressure inside all circuits at the same level. Usually installed near the equipment.
- Radiators. The same options can be used as in the previous scheme. Steel will be more economical. They contain a smaller amount of water, so its heating is faster and less fuel is consumed.
- Mayevsky's cranes. Installation is the same as in the previous version. In addition, an air vent valve can be installed, which automatically removes it from the circuits.
- Fittings are selected depending on which pipe is used for installation.
- Circulation pump. Usually it is already installed in the heating device. If there are multiple circuits using the collector, additional units are mounted.
- Hydraulic Arrow. This is a very important element that makes it possible to create a balance between different contours in a radial layout. It is designed to equalize the pressure and ensure the timely supply of hot media at each point.
- Pressure gauge. Usually present in all modern equipment. If not, then it is installed next to the heater. It is necessary in order to control the constancy of pressure within the entire system.
- Collector. The element from which the wiring of the various circuits, is the flow of coolant.
Heating collector
Positive aspects of this layout are high warm-up rates total heat carrier, more economical consumption of gas or electricity. With this option, it is possible to increase the length of the contours in order to carry out the installation of water heated floor.The disadvantages are usually the high cost of work, a certain difficulty in servicing and the impossibility of functioning in the absence of electrical energy.
Installing the bypass to the heating system
In a mixed system, the circulation can be done in two ways. The pump cuts parallel to the main circuit, without opening it. Two cranes are installed on the supply lines to the device in order to cut it off at any time, as well as one locking mechanism on the main pipe under it. This valve is shut off when the pump is running. If you want the system to work in automatic mode, then instead of the valve, you need to install a check valve. The whole system usually also consists of metal pipes.
Recommendations when tying polypropylene
Heating strapping with polypropylene
Plastic pipes got a big Spread. This is due to an affordable price, as well as versatility. With this solution, you can bypass any obstacles and perform the contour of any complexity. Pipe joints are made using fittings and a soldering iron. If possible, it is better to try to get by with as few connections as possible. This is due to the fact that the internal diameter is often narrowed in places of soldering, and this creates unnecessary hydrostatic stress and reduces the efficiency. If the design allows, it is better to use the taps with a smooth transition, it will eliminate sudden drops. Modern polypropylene easily maintains the temperature of the carrier up to 95 º, the service life is up to 50 years without the need for serious maintenance.
Choice of place
Choice of place for boiler
For natural circulation systems, usually the floor boiler is selected. Regarding him, there is one very important condition - he must be at the lowest point of all circuits. This is explained by the fact that air bubbles should not accumulate in it. Otherwise, the heat exchanger will burn faster. There should also be a pipe at the outlet, which after the transition has a vertical location, this is necessary so that the air can rise up without difficulty, and subsequently be removed through a special relief valve or through an open expansion tank.
In the case of installation of a forced system, this condition may not be met. Wall samples can be installed both at the highest point in some cases and at the lowest when the heater is installed in the basement.
When the double-boiler is connected, the is connected, it is necessary to ensure its connection to the water supply system. This is necessary, because in it there is not only the heating medium heating for the heating system, but also the heating of running water, which will be used for domestic needs. For single-circuit can also be implemented a similar scheme. But this can be done only when installing a secondary heat exchanger. In its role there can be a metal container through which the supply nozzle enters the system.
Nuances for a solid fuel boiler
Choice of a location for a solid fuel boiler
Such equipment It is impossible to simply turn off, like gas or electric. If the load was carried out, then nothing will change until the fuel is completely burned. Therefore, with such strapping it is necessary to provide protection systems. They can be of several types:
- With the use of tap liquid. To implement this option, a special device is purchased. In appearance, it resembles TEN. It is built into the heat exchanger, some manufacturers specifically provide an additional input for such solutions. After that, the supply of running water is carried out, and the discharge pipe is lowered into the sewer system. The essence of the method lies in the fact that when the circulating pump stops working due to the absence of electrical energy or breakdown, a valve opens which allows cold water to flow, it passes through the coil, takes part of the temperature, and then is discharged into the sewer system. The process continues until the fuel burns out. In some situations, this method will be ineffective, because when the light is turned off, the pressure in the water supply system also disappears.
- Uninterruptible Power Supply. Various options are available today. Most of them support the connection of external batteries. Duration of operation will depend on the selected battery capacity. In this case, the pump is connected to the network via the UPS. As soon as the electric power is lost, the device enters into the business, which maintains the efficiency of the pump until the power supply of the house is restored or until the batteries are discharged.
- Small gravity contour.This implies the circulation of the carrier in a small circle, which does not require the use of a pump. It is made in compliance with all slopes and pipe diameter.
- Additional gravity circuit. This option implies the presence of two full contours. At the same time, when an emergency situation arises and forced circulation disappears, hot water continues to flow into the second circle under the influence of physical laws, giving the temperature to heating devices.
Safety elements

These are additional components, most of which are already part of modern boilers.
- Automatic relief valve. In appearance, it may resemble a structure similar to a valve or a small keg with a nipple at the top. In order to find out whether it is in the design of the device, it is necessary to look at the design features of the connections for connection, it is usually located there.
- Dirt trap. Special flask that allows you to remove unnecessary items from the heating circuits that got there when filling the system. It is installed before entering the boiler. Periodically it is necessary to carry out its cleaning.
- Coarse filter. Used ordinary plumbing. It is usually mounted at the entrance of the main line to the equipment.
Sequence of installation works
Installation of a heating boiler
- Installation. If a solid fuel version of the boiler is used, care must be taken to ensure that there is a solid foundation under it that will be resistant to high temperatures. For the gas floor and wall-mounted turbocharged version, a hole is made in the wall through which a nozzle is discharged for the discharge of exhaust gases and the entry of fresh air. For the chimney variant and solid fuel equipment, an additional pipe will be required to reach the required height to create thrust.
- Chimney connection. For modern samples there is a special pipe with two sleeves, one goes inside the other. One is carried out output, the other - filing. In other embodiments, a clay solution is used to seal the seam. It is undesirable to use cement, since it will quickly crack.
- Ensuring a good air supply. For solid fuel you can additionally put the intake valve, with which you can regulate the incoming air and the force of combustion.
- Pipeline installation. When the device is installed, it is easier to navigate with how best to lay a highway.
- In parallel, systems are connected that will ensure safety, as well as expansion tanks.
- Installation of a circulation pump, if necessary.
- Installation of additional temperature sensors.
- Connection to a gas pipeline. It must be remembered that such a connection must be rigid without the use of flexible hoses.
In no case can one save on components and neglect the protection systems. Which particular pipe wiring method will be relevant in your case will depend on many factors, the main one of which will be the device itself.
This video shows how the binding is performed: