How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room

Not everyone can boast of having spacious and free housing in three rooms or more, where each family member will have his own personal place and space. Many young families begin their life journey in a one- or two-room apartment. Small apartments need a good layout so that a single room can simultaneously perform several functions. Most often this is a living-bedroom. This article will discuss common ways how to zone a room into a bedroom and living room.

Features of zoning

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Features of

Each person has a rather difficult task: connect public space with individual space. In fact, there are many different ways to combine a bedroom and a living room in one, even a small room. If we talk about the modern room, then we should mention the studio apartment, in which the total space is divided into several zones at once, which is more difficult.

With a clear planning and accurate work execution, you can achieve the desired result - creating a comfortable and functional environment. In such a room, it will be possible at any time to receive guests or hold meetings with friends and at the same time fully relax from a hard day’s work. It is important to conduct zoning correctly, that is, the room should be clearly divided, while maintaining some common stylistic solutions used.

When going to divide, consider a few nuances:

  • the bedroom area should be deaf, so in most cases it is given the farthest part of the room;
  • the bedroom had natural light;
  • the living room was closer to the exit, and the artificial light was used to the maximum.

When designing a zoning, the shape of the room, the number of window and door openings are taken into account. So, the rectangular room will be easier to divide than the square.

Stationary partitions

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Stationary partitions

To this type of partitions include sliding doors and structures made of glass blocks and plasterboard, as well as podiums and arches. Installation of drywall will be a good option only if there are several windows in the room on two walls. Due to this natural light will fall into each zone.

In order to resolve this issue, experts recommend supplementing the design with mirror or glass inserts, which will give lightness to the interior and will not block the path of the sun's rays into the interior of the room. Such structures are called false partitions: they perform the function of zoning and do not separate zones from each other. Most often they are used in the style of a loft.

A significant disadvantage of the method is that if you want to make a change in the layout of the room, it will be quite difficult to implement.

Mobile partitions

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Mobile partition

If you are interested, how to zone a one-room apartment quickly and easily, mobile partitions will be the most correct decision. In addition, the benefits include:

  • simplicity;
  • large range;
  • versatility;
  • transferability;
  • attractive design.

You can create a similar partition with your own hands using instructions and recommendations. If necessary, you can remove the separator, fold the screen and hide it in the closet.


How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room

The easiest and most common way to quickly divide a room with a small budget. Curtains or curtains can be made from a variety of materials, ranging from dense to light - translucent. In addition, it will be interesting to look at the combined options, for example, weightless organza and heavy atlas.

To do everything correctly, you need to choose the right fabric. The main thing is that they are in harmony and combined with the colors of the curtains on the windows. In addition, instead of textiles, you can use other materials:

  • beads;
  • glass beads;
  • beads;
  • decorative threads;
  • tapes;
  • bamboo.

Such curtains will not fit in every interior, so it is important to think over everything to the smallest detail.

Original looks curtains, which are located at different levels.

Transforming furniture

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room

Designers find such furniture ideal for a combined living room-bedroom. These include:

  • bed-wardrobe;
  • bed-mattress;
  • chair-bed.

There are many options. For example, manufacturers easily connected an ottoman and a coffee table, which is transformed with a flick of the wrist. If you fill a room with just such furniture, then at night it will be easy to turn into a place to rest, and during the day - into a cozy living room.

Remember that no sofa can replace a full bed with a high-quality orthopedic mattress that will give you good rest and healthy sleep.


How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Podium for sleeping

Even a slight elevation 10-20 cm will allow you to visually divide the room. Addition to the podium for the bed will serve as a false partition or canopy. The design of the podium needs to be properly planned, for example, to provide inside the boxes in which various things and clothes will be stored.

The mattress of the bed can be put directly on the podium without using a frame, which will reduce the bulkiness and occupancy of the room.

Zoning by height

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room

If you are a happy owner of an apartment or house with high ceilings, it’s better to prefer vertical zoning, that is, to place a berth under the ceiling. A non-standard solution is rarely found in a modern interior, but still it may be appropriate, as the list of advantages is impressive:

  • the bedroom area does not require additional separation by partitions or screens;
  • you can relax at the top fully, even if there are awake family members downstairs;
  • spending time in solitude can be at any time, for example, go upstairs to read a book or listen to music;
  • increase the useful area of ​​the room.

In the presence of low ceilings, there is also a similar solution, which was invented by designers and designers. We are talking about a bed that is raised to the ceiling in the afternoon, and lowered down in the evening using an automatic mode. Under the bed during the daytime may be located working area. There is a significant drawback - the high cost.

Bedroom at the loggia

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room

Most apartments have a balcony or loggia that can also be used rationally, for example, to equip a cozy and small bedroom in it. This distribution will allow you to organize almost two different rooms, which will be separated by a stationary wall. But for the implementation of this project will need to carry out insulation and glazing, which would entail additional costs. It is very important to obtain approval from the relevant authorities in order not to have further problems.

Visual zoning

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Zoning with color

You can divide the room into several zones and in other ways, for example, using colors and textures properly in the finish. This approach will be interesting to look both independently and in combination with the methods listed above. The whole idea is a fairly simple solution: different decoration of the living room and bedroom areas. Despite its simplicity, it will be very difficult to achieve both separation and combination, that is, harmony.

Also, as a visual and uncomplicated partition, use:

  • tall indoor plants;
  • an aquarium on a stand;
  • high decor elements (a vase with flowers);
  • long bookcase and others.

To avoid cluttering the room, you need to turn on only the necessary pieces of furniture or use transformers.

To summarize, we can say that planning the design of the living room combined with the bedroom should be carefully considered and studied all the options. Everything will depend on such criteria as the total area, the linear dimensions of the room, the height of the ceilings, the presence of a balcony or loggia, as well as your own preferences. The main thing to remember is to create an interesting and multifunctional interior for each person. Even a minimal separation of the room will improve your rest, as well as relieve unnecessary quarrels with loved ones.


Below you can see photos of zoning examples:

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room This way you can save space

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room The partition separating the bedroom

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room The space is divided into two halves

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room The large bed on the loggia

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Black and white

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Color division into zones

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room A diagonal division into the living room and bedroom

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Clear and frosted glass partition

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Podium with sleeping space

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Separating the living room and bedroom and help through the shelving

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Separation of furniture

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Second floor in apartment

How to zone a room into a bedroom and living room Zoning by a transparent partition across the room

Read also:

Making a living room in an apartment


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