How to fix drains to the roof

To organize water drainage from the roofs of houses, various drainage systems are used, which are a constructively articulated set of elements that protect the basement and exterior walls from excessive moisture. In addition to performing a protective function, modern drainage systems can decorate the house and diversify its design. In this article we will explain how to fix the drain to the roof and wall.

Special fasteners are used to securely attach all parts of the gutter system to the structure.

Types of fasteners

How to fix drains to the roof Drainage elements

The following types are used to fix the gutters fasteners:

  1. Mounts. Allow to fasten the gutter. The size and shape of the brackets depends on the shape and dimensions of the gutters used.
  2. Clamps. Attached to the walls and allow you to fix the drain pipe. For different types of walls (wooden and brick), different clamps are used. The shape and size of the clamps depends on the type of drain pipes used. The most commonly used metal clamps, fastened with a single, and long, hardware. Clamps made of plastic have 2 attachment points.


How to fix drains to the roof Drainage Installation

Methods for attaching gutters

How to fix drains to the roof Fastening to the frontal plate

For fixing the gutters use brackets that are mounted in the following ways:

  1. On the frontal board. This method is used when complete installation of the roof. This is the only way to fix the brackets without additional dismantling of the already mounted elements of the roof.
  2. On rafter legs. In the absence of the so-called frontal board, the brackets are attached to the rafter legs.
  3. To the roof crate. In this case, special elongated clamps are used, fixed at two points of attachment and allowing to securely fix the brackets to the mounted roof lath.

How to fix drains to the roof Fastening on rafter legs

Self-tapping screws are used for mounting brackets.

Fastening methods for drain pipes

How to fix drains to the roof Fixing the drain pipe

For fixing the drain pipes are used clamps, the installation of which should take into account the following:

  1. To ensure a reliable connection, the fixation depth of the hardware must be greater than 60 mm, while it must enter the wall and not the insulation.
  2. It is necessary to provide a certain distance from the wall of the facade to the drain pipe.
  3. After fixing the drain pipe in the hose clamp, it should not overly compress it. This is especially important in the case of PVC pipes, which change their dimensions due to temperature fluctuations, which can lead to cracks and destruction.


How to fix drains to the roof PVC drain

If you do not have desire and necessary skills for the installation of drainage systems on their own, then in this case it is better to attract specialists. Given that this type of installation is a fairly simple task, you can decide on an independent installation of the roof drainage system. The presence of an assistant will greatly facilitate the installation process, but, in extreme cases, the work can be performed alone.

For installation work, in addition to the stairs, you will need a set of tools:

  • building level;
  • tape measure;
  • plumb;
  • construction cord;
  • square ruler;
  • hacksaw;

Installation of drains

How to fix drains to the roof Installation instructions

Position of drains relative to the roof overhang should be as follows:

  • the overhang should project 25–65% relative to the drain edge closest to the house;
  • the furthest edge of the drain should be below the visual plane of the roof ( roof plane is determined by the lower wave).

For quality water drainage, it is required to ensure the slope of the chute in the direction of discharge, of a value of 0.2–0.3%.

Mounting sequence:

  1. Mark and fasten the last two brackets (first and last) according to the desired slope.
  2. Tension the construction cord between the first and the last bracket. This makes it easy to mark the installation location of the remaining brackets.
  3. Assemble the remaining intermediate brackets (in steps recommended by the manufacturer).
  4. Secure the drain funnel (through the line of the cord).
  5. Install drainage systems. Where necessary install plugs. In the presence of protective nets, install them in the drain funnels.

Installation of drain pipes

How to fix drains to the roof Installation of the drain pipe

Produced with compliance with the following rules:

  1. Pipe installation is carried out in the bottom-up direction.
  2. For hardware, which will be used for mounting clamps, it is necessary to drill holes of the appropriate diameter.
  3. The installation step of the clamps is 1.8 meters.
  4. Each pipe should be fastened with the help of a hotel clip, while several pipes are installed on long pipes (in accordance with the recommended pitch).
  5. The lower pipe is brought into the storm sewer, and in its absence, the lower elbow is mounted.
  6. The upper tube will connect to the funnel.

A properly selected and securely fixed weir system will provide complete protection for your house against excessive moisture in the walls and basement, decorate and preserve the appearance of the building for many years.


Learn how to install a drainpipe system using a plastic drainage installation example:


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