How to eliminate leaking heating pipes

Typical steel pipes used in domestic heating systems, as is well known, have one significant drawback associated with the possibility of corrosion of their surface, which often leads to leakage. That is why most homeowners will not be overly acquainted with how to eliminate leaking heating pipes at home.

Causes of leakage

How to eliminate leaking heating pipes Corrosion of the heating pipe

The cause of leakage in the apartment The heating system can be:

  • corrosion of the pipe material;
  • mechanical damage to the heating system;
  • natural aging of the metal.

Corrosion of individual sections of the pipeline is most often explained by the fact that condensate forms on the pipe with hot water, which penetrates into insufficiently protected areas and causes metal to break down. The most likely places of leakage are the following sections of steel pipe:

  • straight pipe system spans;
  • threaded connections;
  • battery section joints.

Immediately, we note that taking drastic measures implies a complete replacement of the rusty pipe section or the entire heating element as a whole (battery sections, for example). In this article, we will consider techniques that provide temporary (operational) elimination of dangerous leakage by localizing it and then blocking it.

Leakage blocking techniques

How to eliminate leaking heating pipes Using the adhesive bandage

The most common method of temporary localization Damage on the flat part of the pipe is the use of an elastic rubber lining, through which it is possible to stop the flow for some time.

For reliable blocking of the damage site, it is necessary, firstly, that the pad itself be somewhat wider than the damage zone and, secondly, that it is rigidly fixed at the edges using special clamps or annealed wire.

How to eliminate leaking heating pipes Installing the collar

In addition, you can eliminate the leak in the pipe using a standard prefabricated brace with all the necessary elements for blocking the leakage (a set of rubber pads and clamping clamps).

How to eliminate leaking heating pipes The blocking of the leak by rubber

The factory retaining set can be used even if the threaded connection is damaged ( locations of fittings, for example). In this case, a soft (elastic) rubber band, by means of which it is possible to compensate for this difference, is best suited to block the docking zone of pipes with different diameters. After winding on the connection point of the fitting and the pipe, the edges of such a rubber bandage are securely clamped by means of a clamp.

How to eliminate leaking heating pipes We put on the collar

Another way to quickly eliminate leaks involves the use of medical bandage and regular table salt. To implement it, it is sufficient to wrap the leakage area with a bandage spilled with edible salt. After some time, the salt will dissolve and tighten the leak. Immediately, we note that this method of surgical intervention should be used only in extreme cases (as a temporary measure).

The option to repair a leak at the junction of the battery sections is reduced to wrapping the damaged area with a silk fabric impregnated with some moisture-resistant adhesive (epoxy glue, for example).

Features of the procedures for the prompt elimination of leaks

How to eliminate leaking heating pipes Elimination of the leak

Before plugging a leak in a pipe using any of the methods described above, the following should be clearly understood:

  1. All the leakage remediation techniques discussed in this article are temporary measures and can be ranked as operational interventions designed to prevent flooding of the premises. For the final restoration of the heating system, you should replace the problem sections of the pipe line with new ones or update it completely. The solution to this problem is possible only at the end of the current heating season, i.e. during the period when you can do major repairs of the entire heating system.
  2. At the slightest sign of leakage (the appearance of small wet discharge in threaded joints, for example), you should immediately take all necessary measures to eliminate it. In no case can not pull with blocking the site of damage, since such a delay can lead to irreparable consequences.
  3. All of the above methods for eliminating leaks have been repeatedly used in everyday life and have proven to be effective in a variety of situations (taking into account compliance with all the above recommendations).
  4. In the event that after the described procedures it is not possible to stop the flow in the heating system, you will have to call the local plumber.After shutting down the heating system riser, the specialist you have invited will help to restore the damage site.


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