DIY truss system: the nuances of the installation (video)

The truss system is of two kinds with its own hands: hanging and inclined. You choose the type depending on the structural features of the building. Many people know that rafters for the roofs of private houses are the main element of the structure. To build a roof with your own hands, you will need certain knowledge and skills, since this is not an easy task at all. The scheme of construction and installation of the roof consists of several stages. However, if you are not an expert, then you should not take responsibility for the design of the roof, as you can easily make a mistake. As a rule, designers do this.

DIY truss system: the nuances of the installation (video)

The connection scheme of rafters.

What are the types of roofing?

Roofs are equipped with any structure to protect the interior of the room and the facade from adverse environmental influences, including precipitation. The roof consists of slopes that have different angles of inclination. The angle is taken based on the climatic conditions of the area and, accordingly, the ideas of the architect. The basis of all the roofs - rafters, lathing and roofing. However, remember that the truss system is done with its own hands only for the house, cottage, bath or any other buildings. At the production facilities, the roof construction is completely different, therefore it is not necessary to apply one view to all building structures.

DIY truss system: the nuances of the installation (video)

Main types of roof systems.

The work of installing and installing such a system is done with an assistant to simplify and speed up the process. Do not forget about the conjugation of slopes - for each roof is assigned its own type of ribs (formed during pairing). Mates are of two types: horizontal and oblique. In the first case, this is the upper point of the roof, in the second - internal mates (valley, gouge). By construction, the roof can be single-pitch, double-gable, four-pitched and mansard.

  1. The simplest is a lean-to construction. It is a structure based on the bearing walls.
  2. Duplex roofs refer to more complex structures, which, however, are simple to install. Ramps, as a rule, rest on opposite sides of the walls, which apparently form a triangle. They are called gables.
  3. The third type of construction - hip (chetyrehskatny), consists of two slopes, but instead of frontal slopes are installed triangular, hip.
  4. As for mansard roofs, here the design is similar to gable roofs. In another way they are called broken roofs. Such a truss system contains several sections with different angles of inclination.

What is a truss system?

DIY truss system: the nuances of the installation (video)

The device of the rafters.

A rafter system, made with own hands, consists of a roof structure, which has various parameters and installation features. What is this system? The basis of any roof are truss legs. They form the slope of the roofs. Also required in this system and vertical supports with racks. These elements will transfer some of the load on the columns or walls for support.

You will need additional details such as struts and inclined elements. They also serve to support and strengthen the structure. Tightening in the truss system is used exclusively to reduce strut force. This detail serves to connect the rafter legs to each other. As for the form, the most preferred option is triangular, as it is durable and reliable.

Preparatory work on the construction of the truss system

DIY truss system: the nuances of the installation (video)

Installation of the truss system of the four-sided roof.

Making and installing a truss system with your own hands begins with the necessary calculations and preparatory work. To work you need special tools and accessories, as well as building material. Experts recommend the first thing to plan the process of making rafters. To properly calculate the parameters of truss feet, you can contact the architect. If you want to do the installation yourself, you should choose the size according to the established standards or make a calculation, based on your knowledge. What should be considered when calculating the parameters of rafters?

  1. Type of roof.
  2. Type of coverage for her.
  3. Angle of a ramp.
  4. Climatic loads (the design must withstand them).

What material to choose for making rafters? Most often for such cases choose coniferous wood. Experts prefer wood, as it is easily amenable to any processing and has an affordable price. However, one should not forget that such a material needs thorough care with antiseptic agents from mildew and rot. The optimal solution for the manufacture of rafters is a wooden bar with parameters 10x5 or 15x5.That is, the first size is the width of the timber, and the second is its thickness.

Why is wood preferable to metal? As a rule, wooden trusses are easy to install and the quality of such a truss system will be good. Durability is one of the basic requirements for building roofs, and this material is distinguished precisely by the strength and reliability of the structure. In addition, the arrangement of the roof with their own hands on the basis of metal will provide you with considerable trouble. Installation is not easy, there are many nuances, and if improper installation will have to be redone.

You will also need to purchase a good anti-corrosion coating to protect the roof from rusting.

When you do the rafters on your own, do not forget that their parameters depend on the roof covering, the length of the rafters and, accordingly, the angle of their mating.

Tools for mounting the truss system

DIY truss system: the nuances of the installation (video)

Truss mount points.

To get started, you should arm yourself with the necessary tool. For the manufacture of the roof you will need:

  • hammers (several varieties);
  • nail-catcher;
  • marker for marking, pencil;
  • ax;
  • punch;
  • hacksaw;
  • tape measure;
  • drill.

You will also need a drill (set), a grinder and a level. Now that you have acquired all the fixtures and construction tools, you can begin work. The first step in mounting the truss system is to prepare the surface of the wall and the floor. The material, on the basis of which the walls are made, does not always differ in evenness on the surface. In any case, there are discrepancies, even if visually you do not notice. At the same time, the size of the discrepancy increases with each row, and this is not suitable for building a truss system. To find out the exact parameters of discrepancies, you should apply a level or plumb. Thus, you will see that the walls are indeed several cm higher, and the angles are far from 90 °. Therefore, before you start installing the roof, you need to make measurements that will reveal discrepancies. Your task is to correct the surface irregularities with the help of a special device.

Do-it-yourself installation of truss system

DIY truss system: the nuances of the installation (video)

Install truss system of roof.

As a rule, there are many ways to assemble a truss system. For example, the rafters of the hanging structure are installed using ready-made farms. Experts recommend sure to make an attic floor. What for? The bottom line is that, having assembled the structure on the ground, it will be difficult for you to lift it onto the roof, since it is too bulky. To still make the installation, you need to take a ready-made template, which is made of lightweight material. You can assemble trusses, they will correspond to the present parameters of the rafters. The main advantages of this method are ease of installation and aesthetics. The roof is smooth and beautiful.

Rafters of an inclined structure are much easier to make. However, here the template will also be appropriate, so take care to create it. Usually installation is done by collecting individual elements. Work is being done in several stages.

First you need to set the front-line extreme elements. They should be placed on the plumb line and the level around the perimeter. Further between them establish a twine. His fortress provides a good stretch, which is very important in this work. Then install all the elements, trusses truss system. When will the installation of the system, do the reinforcement racks (jumps), mount tightening. It is recommended to fasten the rafters until the installation of the batten.

So, the truss system should contain truss trusses, side and ridge runs, main plate and diagonal elements. Mauerlat is the part of the roofing system, which is a timber or log. With it, the corners are aligned.

The design of trusses is considered to be the main stage in the installation of roofs. It usually includes rafters and trusses. Remember that the best option truss system - a triangular design. To do this, you need to use rafters and timber (binder). Such a system is the most reliable and durable.

Now you know how to make a roof truss system with your own hands. In fact, in this work there are no special difficulties, the main thing is to follow the installation instructions exactly.

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  • DIY truss system: the nuances of the installation (video)

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