Paul in the garage with his own hands

In this article we will explain how to make the floor in the garage with your own hands, consider the various options (concrete, wooden, self-leveling), as well as give photos and video instructions.

All those various materials that are commonly used for flooring in a private garage should ultimately meet the following basic criteria:

  • High resistance to oils, acids and oil products ;
  • Resistance to mechanical stress and high deformational strength, guaranteeing long service life;
  • Good resistance to moisture and fire safety.

Currently, most of the well-known garage floor coverings meet these criteria, the main of which are the following types:

  • concrete floors, considered to be quite durable and suitable for use in most harsh conditions. The disadvantages of such floors include the formation of dust and the manifestation of mud leaks (oil, gasoline, etc.) on their surface;
  • the floor of reinforced concrete slabs also has an enviable durability, but will cost you more than the concrete (because without the help of workers and special equipment, it is indispensable);
  • the floor in the form of wooden flooring attracts many with its high environmental friendliness and low cost, but has a very short operational period - only 5 years;
  • floors are ceramic tiles protect against moisture and are easy to clean, but very s fragile and can not withstand large deformations;
  • bulk (plastic) floors allow the production of stable and long-lasting coating with time only increases its quality.


Paul in the garage with his own hands Floor plan

Before how to pour concrete floor in the garage, you need to consider the following:

  • groundwater level characteristic of the area;
  • the possibility of spring flooding of the site;
  • elevation difference in this place

The order of the layers on the concrete floor is always the same.

The layers of the concrete floor are the following sequence (from bottom to top):

  • construction gravel;
  • sand mixture;
  • waterproofing layer ;
  • insulation of one kind or another;
  • protective film;
  • concrete layer with reinforcement;
  • screed layer.

The overall sequence of excavation works looks something like this:

  • leveling and tamping of the gravel working platform are performed; moreover, natural liquid clay can be used as a waterproofing;
  • all marking operations of the future coating are “tied” to the garage dimensions using a marking cord tightened for reliability;
  • on top of a tamped gravel layer (0.45 m 0.8 m) a layer of sand 10 cm thick is filled up.

Concrete floor

Paul in the garage with his own hands Construction of a concrete floor

A waterproofing layer must be laid between the substrate and the concrete. To do this, take a plastic film (250-300µm) and cover it with the entire floor. Warming flooring in the garage is best done immediately. For these purposes, you can use polystyrene (5-10cm thick), and it should be laid directly on the waterproofing layer.

A standard metal mesh 5 mm in diameter is used for the reinforcement of a concrete coating, and concrete M-300 is used as the binding base of a concrete solution. Leveling the floor is best to start from the far wall of the garage towards the entrance gate, moving the leveling rail along the bars laid in concrete (then they should be removed and fill the gaps with mortar).

For a good hardening, the concrete should stand for about 3-4 weeks.

When arranging the finishing tie, a reinforcing mesh is laid on the concrete and special wooden beacons are installed using a level. Then the coupler is poured and smoothed down with a special steel alignment device.

Wooden flooring

Paul in the garage with his own hands Wooden flooring in the garage

Paul in the garage with his own hands Wooden floor To make a wooden floor in a garage, you will need logs of a suitable size, by means of which the load will be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the flooring.

A “rough” concrete floor or small brick posts capable of supporting the weight of a car can be used as a hard base of a wooden floor. Themselves flooring can be laid in one layer, and make them two-layer.

For the construction of a capital wooden flooring for a garage, a two-layer structure is usually chosen, which includes a “draft” floor on which steam, hydro and thermal insulation materials are laid.

After thoroughly drying, the antiseptic-treated logs are laid on the base of the flooring in 40 cm steps. The lag attachment points (for this purpose, ordinary dowels) are arranged in 50 cm increments.On the resulting frame tightly laid floor boards (perpendicular to the logs), which are then attached with screws or nails.

Ceramic tile

Paul in the garage with his own hands Tiled floor

Ceramic tile is usually laid on finished concrete coating and is highly resistant to chemical reagents and moisture. In addition, it is easily washed off the dirt, and it looks quite good.

The disadvantage of ceramic cladding is its increased brittleness and the inability to withstand large deformation loads.

Bulk floor

Paul in the garage with his own hands

One of the ways to organize the floor in the garage is to make a polymer coating. Self-leveling floors are durable and reliable, they do not pose a health hazard. Differ in ease and a variety of a color palette. They are used for arranging both residential and non-residential premises, including garages.

Before starting work, determine the thickness of the coating. This indicator depends on the expected loads on the flooring and can vary from 0.1-1 cm. The optimal thickness of the self-leveling floor in the garage is 0.2-0.3 cm. In this case, the approximate material consumption for the flooring will be 1.7- 1.9 kg / m 2 . You will also need quartz sand in the amount of the calculation of 0.8-1 kg / m 2 .

Paul in the garage with his own hands Filling process

You can learn about the manufacturing technology of the self-leveling floor in this article " Bulk floor ".

The only feature of the filling of the self-leveling floor in the garage is the manufacture of a polymer coating. Since it is planned to store a car in the garage, and this, of course, is associated with increased loads on the floor, the polymer should be strengthened. This is done using quartz sand. In the mixture, ready to fill the floor should be added quartz sand in a ratio of 1: 1. It is worth considering that the sand should be dry. You can mix the mixture manually for 4-5 minutes or with a drill with a mixer mixer.

Paul in the garage with his own hands Ready floor

If you use the drill, you should mix the polymer flooring exclusively at low revs. To avoid air bubbles in the mixture, turn on the drill only when the mixer blades are completely immersed in the mixture. Pull the nozzle from the tank, with the polymer is possible only after the rotation of the blades is completely stopped.


Paul in the garage with his own hands

It may seem that making a heated floor in a garage is an excess. But this opinion is very subjective. If you are interested in the safety and proper operation of the car, then you will certainly be interested in the possibility of installing a heated floor in the garage, which contributes to this.


Paul in the garage with his own hands

Some features of the floor in the garage should be considered before making a choice in favor of a particular system:

  • Flooring may be chemically affected.
  • Possibility of mechanical damage.
  • Increased fire hazard.
  • Increased humidity.

As mentioned in this article, different types of flooring can be used for flooring. But for the installation of a heated floor is best suited concrete floor, followed by finishing, for example, ceramic tiles.

Underfloor heating provides effective garage heating, making the risk of a car freezing during the winter period to zero.


Paul in the garage with his own hands

In the garage, you can make a warm floor with two options:

  • Water.
  • Electric.

The underfloor heating system is a closed heated circuit made of metal-plastic pipes embedded in a screed. The system connects to the boiler. In turn, an electric underfloor heating consists of special cables or heating mats, which are also poured into the floor screed and lined with finishing materials, such as tiles. In this case, since it is about working with electricity, it is important to follow the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.

For finishing the floor in the garage, ceramic tiles of the fifth class or porcelain stoneware are used. This finishing material will cope with increased loads.

Before lining a warm floor, the surface should be primed, apply glue and lay the tiles in the usual manner. Grouting can be done in three days. The floor will be ready for use only after several weeks. It all depends on the drying rate of the adhesive.

Underfloor heating system

Paul in the garage with his own hands

Like any other system, a warm water floor in a garage has its advantages and disadvantages. Of the advantages we can note the uniformity of warming up the garage, as well as energy savings. However, if you do not have experience in installing a warm water floor, then in the process there may be some difficulties.After all, when installing metal-plastic pipes, it is important to be able to use some tools, for example, a welding machine for soldering. In addition, for the system to work properly, you need to connect a water pump to it, and these are additional financial costs. These disadvantages can be decisive when deciding on the type of underfloor heating to be installed.


Paul in the garage with his own hands Screed installation scheme

If there is any in the garage floor covering then it should be removed. Then you need to prepare a rough floor. If it is a curve, then it must be leveled, this is done with a tie.

Thermal insulation is laid on the cleaned and leveled floor. The thickness of the heat-insulating layer should exceed 3 cm. The insulation should have a density higher than 35 kg / m. It can be penoplex or polystyrene.

Paul in the garage with his own hands Laying the damper tape

Then you need to lay the damper tape around the garage perimeter. It is attached to the wall. This is necessary to compensate for thermal expansion of the screed.

The next step is to lay the polyethylene film on the insulation. Then it can be laid reinforcing mesh, which will subsequently be attached to the floor heating pipe. As fasteners pipes serve plastic clips. The corrugated pipe serves as protection for expansion joints. Then connect the floor heating system to the boiler through the collectors.

Now we need to conduct a hydraulic test of the system. Any faults can be fixed without any problems at this stage. In this case, tests are carried out during the day. The pressure in the system during testing should be 3-4 bar.

If no errors were found in the operation of the warm water floor, there are no leaks, you can fill the system with a coupler. The minimum thickness of the screed above the pipes should be 3 cm. In order for the screed to be even, it must be carried along the beacons.

The drying time for the screed is approximately 28 days. In the process of drying screed is strictly prohibited to include a warm floor.

Then the floor can be turned on to the minimum temperature. Add degrees in the heating of water should be gradually and slowly. Finished floor heating can be revetted. One of the durable options - laying ceramic tiles.

Electric floor heating system

Paul in the garage with his own hands

This type of underfloor heating is simpler to install. However, his work will require more energy, in particular, electricity. Of the advantages of such a system, attention is deserved:

  • There is no need for supplying additional communications, with the exception of electricity.
  • The system does not require maintenance.
  • Designed for a long service life - about 60 years.

A significant drawback of the system is the high cost of electricity. To reduce energy costs have to spend high-quality insulation not only the floor, but the entire garage.

In general, the technology of laying a warm electric floor in a garage does not differ from its installation in a residential area. The only thing that as a heat reflector can not use foil. And in places where the wheels of the car will pass, you can make the floor without heating elements.

Paul in the garage with his own hands Electric underfloor heating

You can learn the specifics of installing a heated electric floor from this article "Electric floor heating."

The cost of arranging a heated floor, whether electric or water, will depend on the floor space of the garage and the price of the basic set.

In some cases, garage owners prefer to tile only small portions of the floor, but not the entire structure.


In general, the process of creating a concrete floor is as follows:

You can learn how to make a warm floor from the following video:


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