Brick stove for a bath with his own hands

Building your own bath is undoubtedly a solution worthy of respect. The bath not only allows, without leaving the yard, to solve the issues of hygienic procedures, moreover, regardless of the season, but will help to improve health and bring the nervous system back to normal.

The healing properties of the bath are known from time immemorial and are part of traditional medicine in many countries. It is important to understand that in many respects these qualities are caused by special methods of heating the room. For example, it is not uncommon for the bath to "work as it should," it must be heated for several hours, while using special firewood and additives. And, therefore, the furnace for such a bath is needed, capable of withstanding such intense temperature loads.

In the article we will talk about how to make a brick furnace for a sauna with your own hands, we will give step-by-step instructions, drawings, photos and video materials.

General description

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Furnace Kamenka

Before proceeding to the process review manufacturing furnace for a bath, you need to say a few words about what will be the general points of the work and what materials and tools for this will be required.

To begin with, it must be said that the stove for a bath will be significantly different from a simple stove installed in a house. Mainly differences will be due to the functional purpose of the stove. The fact is that the construction of the furnace in the house involves its use in order to heat the room, prepare food and in some cases use it as a bed. At the same time, it is planned to use it in a room that has normal humidity indicators. And if we are talking about a stove for a bath, then in addition to heating the room, it must also heat water, and it will all happen in a room with, to put it mildly, high humidity. In addition, bath temperatures are often required at higher temperatures than from its home counterpart. These circumstances leave their imprint on the technology of work and the materials used in this process.

Manufacturing Process

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Order

In order to understand in general terms How to make a brick stove for a bath need to clarify for yourself that the task is not easy. Even in villages where furnace heating is a familiar moment and without exaggeration a part of life, only a few are taken for the manufacture of stoves. The secrets of the process are transmitted orally and require a long practice. Although on the other hand, it is possible to make a simple stove with an adequate amount of knowledge and experience. Work at the same time can be divided into several stages, which should be performed consistently.


Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Refractory bricks

One of the most important moments of any business is preparation . In the case of installation of the stove in the bath, it is a question of what you need to purchase all the necessary materials and prepare the tools. Everything here seems to be simple, but there are some nuances:

  • First of all, it is important to note that for the manufacture of the furnace you will need several grades of bricks. So, for the installation of the furnace you need a heat-resistant (fireclay) brick, and for the manufacture of chimneys you can do the usual.
  • At this stage it is necessary to prepare all the metal elements of the furnace, such as doors, plugs, grate bars, etc. It is important to check that the parts do not have cracks, as this will shorten the useful life and there will be a risk of fire hazards.
  • If it is planned to install a heating boiler for water, this should also be taken into account at the preparatory stage, since depending on the location of its location, the actions will be slightly different. By the way, in order to provide visitors with hot water, you can do without the equipment of the heating tank.
  • Also at this stage you need to determine the location of the future furnace and dismantle the flooring, and also cut logs if the floor is already installed.

Installation of the base

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Foundation for a brick kiln

For for the oven to stand for a long time and fulfill its functions not to do without a quality installation of a solid and even base.

  • To do this, the flooring and logs are dismantled at the place of the intended installation, and the ground foundation is slightly buried to the shape of the future furnace.
  • Then a cement-sand screed is made in the recess. It should be borne in mind that the thickness of the screed must be at least 30 cm, and its layer must be reinforced with steel reinforcement, the thickness of which must be at least 10 mm.
  • After the screed dries, it is necessary to lay the first layer of bricks, which will play the role of the base of all subsequent masonry.

Here you can add that the work related to the cement mortar can hardly be called clean, therefore, if there is a desire to protect the surface, for example, the floor, from dirt, it is necessary to cover them with film.

Further installation

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Laying out of the bath

After the base is ready You can start laying the next rows of bricks. By the way, a complete and detailed order of a brick furnace for a bath will differ depending on the chosen construction. Its detailed description is a separate material, below will be only an approximate procedure.

  • First, the first row of bricks is laid. Already at this stage it is necessary to reflect all the design features of the furnace. This refers to the air ducts, directly the place of the firebox, the future pipe and so on. Bricks are laid close to each other on the solution. Remnants are removed with a trowel.
  • Next, in rows in a similar way, the subsequent layers of brick are laid up to the installation site of the first duct door (blower). After installing it, laying brick continues. Here you can add that if you perform not just a duct, but leave space above the blower, you can use it to solve the issue of supplying hot water to the washing compartment. A corrugated metal hose is placed inside this space, which ends to the outside. When the stove is heated, the hose will heat up accordingly. If you run water over it, then the output will be hot water. Thus, there is no need for a heating tank, which is especially important for rooms with modest dimensions.
  • So, moving gradually along the rows, the “body” of the stove is formed. When the turn of the grate installation is suitable, for convenience, you can choose a certain space in two bricks equal to the thickness of the grate and install them in this place.
  • After the furnace space has been formed, in accordance with the design of the furnace, it is possible either to block it with bricks or to lay a metal base on which stones will be laid on.
  • Next, in approximately the same way, a chimney is laid out, at the very top of which, in order to save material, you can attach a metal pipe and bring it through the roof.

The stove-heater

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands

The most important element of the sauna is the stove. Nowadays, stoves-heaters are usually used for these purposes. They are brick and metal. It is difficult to say what material the stove is best of. It probably all depends on certain circumstances, namely, on the area of ​​the bath, the number of people staying per day in this room, etc. In view of this, we will consider the features of the metal and brick heaters separately.

The heaters are also closed and open. The open heater heats up quickly, but also cools quickly. It is great for small companies. The stones in such a furnace are laid over the heap of the firebox. Their temperature can rise to 250º.

The closed heater transfers heat to the same level. It has a steam door. In the process of burning the door is closed, so that the smoke from the fire does not penetrate into the room. The door can only be opened before entering the steam room. Due to this, the temperature in the steam room warms up to 60º.

Of brick

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands

A special feature of a brick stove is that it has thick walls constructed of heat-resistant brick. The stove of this type is quite large, has a closed heater and a large amount of stones. Only solid fuel can be burned in it. As a rule, it is firewood or peat.

Among the advantages of the stove, the following should be noted:

  1. Ability to heat baths over 30 m 2 .
  2. The design is fireproof.
  3. Long retains heat in the bath.
  4. Even on the second day, the heat in the bath is kept around 20º, which allows using the room, for example, to wash clothes.

From metal

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands

Metal heaters heat the bath for only 1.5-2 hours. They are quite compact, so are ideal for small spaces. Kamenka usually open type. Stones are heated by the combustion chamber. In a metal furnace, you can burn different types of fuel, depending on the model.

The main advantages of the furnace:

  • Fast heating of the bath.
  • The design is small-sized, has a small weight, and this reduces the cost of its installation.
  • Possibility of taking bath procedures in the process of heating.

For information on how to make a stove, you can learn in this article "Do it yourself."

This is a general description of the process of installing a brick stove for a bath can be considered complete. For the most complete understanding of the process can be found with the relevant video on the subject.


This video explains in great detail and clearly how to make a brick stove for a sauna with your own hands:

We also invite you to read the article “Boiler for a sauna with your own hands. "


Brick stove for a bath with his own hands The furnace is trimmed with decorative brick

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Tiled with

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands tiles With a water tank

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands The stove in the country sauna

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands The stove is made of brick

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands In the rest room

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands With boiler function


Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Drawing of the iron furnace

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Brick drawing

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Drawing of a metal furnace

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Furnace from a pipe

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Structural design of the furnace

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands From the cylinder

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands The second option

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands The heater circuit

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Oven scheme

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands With a furnace from the waiting room

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Steam in a schematic format

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands The principle of thrust and air distribution in the furnace

Brick stove for a bath with his own hands Iron stove


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